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Art auction result for Norbertine Bresslern Roth

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Auctioned pieces | 509 results are found | Page 2 of 17 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 9

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 03-14-2006 Ducks 4.53 x 8.27 in Linocut 200 GBP
(259 USD)
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 05-11-2005 Zicklein 4.53 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-04-2008 Kröte 4.53 x 4.72 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Zicklein 4.53 x 5.71 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 10-28-2008 Tiger Cubs 4.65 x 7.48 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-04-2008 Ohne Titel 4.72 x 7.48 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 03-11-2003 Norbertine Und Georg Ritter Von Bresslern Und Sterman 4.72 x 4.72 in Tempera 2,792 USD
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2005 Mäuseplage 4.72 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 05-31-2012 Löwenjunges 4.72 x 7.68 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-06-2013 Wasservogel 4.72 x 3.15 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-05-2013 Saibling 4.72 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-04-2014 Enten 4.72 x 8.07 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Weiße Maus 4.92 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 10-24-2010 Haselm&#228 4.92 x 5.51 in Woodcut 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 05-24-2006 3 Kleine Tiere Auf Ästen 4.92 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2005 Graureiher 4.92 x 3.94 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 04-15-2009 Swans 4.92 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-12-2008 Haselmäuse 4.92 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 05-15-2006 Three Field Mice 5.00 x 5.39 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2005 Schwimmendes Entenpaar 5.12 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 08-13-2008 Dormice 5.12 x 5.51 in Woodcut 600 AUD
(406 USD)
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 04-16-2009 Blaukehlchen 5.12 x 4.72 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-06-2012 Krabben 5.12 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 11-30-2006 Weihnachtsgruß 5.20 x 4.21 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 08-13-2008 Red Squirrels 5.31 x 7.09 in Woodcut 600 AUD
(406 USD)
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-12-2008 “reh” 5.31 x 11.22 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-04-2008 Haselmäuse 5.31 x 5.71 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2005 Nachtfalter 5.31 x 4.33 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2005 Weihnachtsgruß 5.31 x 3.94 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 11-17-2005 Eichhörnchen 5.31 x 7.09 in
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