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Art auction result for Georg Matthäus Vischer

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Auctioned pieces | 6 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Georg Matthäus Vischer Hammer prices and photo for Georg Matthäus Vischer 04-12-2006 Konvolut Von 8 NiederösterreicH-Ansichten 4.13 x 5.91 in Painting 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Georg Matthäus Vischer 10-24-2014 Oberlorenzen 5.51 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Georg Matthäus Vischer Hammer prices and photo for Georg Matthäus Vischer 04-12-2006 CisterzienseR-Stiftes Baumgartenberg 5.91 x 8.07 in Painting 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Georg Matthäus Vischer Hammer prices and photo for Georg Matthäus Vischer 03-31-2010 Unknown 5.91 x 7.87 in Etching 360 EUR
(392 USD)
Hammer prices for Georg Matthäus Vischer 03-25-2011 Topographia Archidvcatvs Avstriae Inf: Modernae, Seu Controfee Vnd Beschreibung, Aller Stätt Clöster Vnd Schlösser Wie Sie Anietzo Stehen In Dem Ertzhertzogtumb Unter Osterreich 10.55 x 7.68 in
Hammer prices for Georg Matthäus Vischer Hammer prices and photo for Georg Matthäus Vischer 03-31-2010 Topographia Austriae Inferioris 1672 - Originalgetreue Neuausgabe 11.81 x 7.87 in Etching 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)

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