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Art auction result for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer

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Auctioned pieces | 9 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 05-17-2006 La Ville D'araw, En Suisse 3.27 x 6.18 in
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer Hammer prices and photo for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 08-22-2013 Bourg De Schweytz En Suisse 8.15 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 05-09-2007 La Ville De/bern,/en Suisse 8.19 x 13.31 in
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 09-26-2007 Ouresiphoites Helveticus, Sive Itinera Per Helvetiae Alpinas Regiones Facta Annis Mdccii . . . Mdccxi 9.88 x 7.87 in Unknown 5,000 GBP
(6,490 USD)
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer Hammer prices and photo for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 05-17-2006 Nova/helvetiae/tabula Geographica/illustrissimis Et... 10.63 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 06-07-2007 Physica Sacra 12.60 x 8.07 in
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 05-02-2014 Unknown 14.76 x 9.25 in
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer Hammer prices and photo for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 11-14-2007 Genfersee Und Das Walliser Rhonetal 21.18 x 28.98 in Painting 800 CHF
(894 USD)
Hammer prices for Johann Jakob Scheuchzer 10-11-2009 Unknown 23.00 x 16.00 in

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