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Art auction result for Christian Rohlfs

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Auctioned pieces | 757 results are found | Page 9 of 26 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 40

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 10-17-2013 Waldinneres Im Herbst. 11.02 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 11-28-2013 Ohne Titel 11.02 x 15.35 in Watercolor 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 12-03-2010 Zwei Tanzende 11.18 x 12.01 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 12-04-2010 Magnolia Grandiflora 11.22 x 15.67 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 10-29-2004 Zwei Tanzende 11.22 x 12.01 in Linoleum 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 04-02-2004 Zwei Tanzende 11.22 x 11.73 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 04-30-2005 Zwei Tanzende (uterman 84; Vogt 70) 11.22 x 12.01 in Linoleum 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 06-10-2006 Rosen. 11.22 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 06-13-2014 Agave 11.22 x 15.00 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 11-30-2012 Seerose 11.22 x 14.88 in Pen 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 10-20-2012 Elias In Der Wüste 11.22 x 8.46 in Unknown 50 EUR
(54 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 11-28-2007 Zwei Tanzende 1913 11.34 x 12.17 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 06-10-2004 Zwei Tanzende 11.38 x 12.09 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 11-29-2005 Cosmeen 11.42 x 15.55 in Tempera 20,000 EUR
(21,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 06-06-2012 Bayerische Magd 11.46 x 9.65 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 11-18-2006 Sonnenblume 11.50 x 8.94 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 09-30-2006 Sonnenblume 11.50 x 8.94 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 12-10-2011 Rote Blüten In Schlanker Trichtervase 11.54 x 9.33 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 12-03-2010 Zwei Köpfe Iii, Ausschnitt 11.61 x 8.03 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 12-03-2009 Käfer Und Blaubeere 11.61 x 17.52 in Unknown 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 05-29-2009 Kosmeen 11.61 x 15.55 in Tempera 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 11-29-2006 Margaritenblüten 11.61 x 8.86 in Watercolor 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 06-11-2005 Margaritenblüten 11.61 x 8.86 in Watercolor 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 06-06-2012 Paar 11.65 x 13.54 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 05-12-2005 Obstgarten Mit Mauer (soest) 11.73 x 17.52 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 05-14-2011 Der Raucher 12.01 x 7.76 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 11-27-2013 Weimar Mit Schloßturm 12.01 x 16.06 in Oil 24,000 EUR
(26,160 USD)
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs 06-05-2013 Le Père Ubu Chantre. - Profil 12.05 x 7.56 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 10-28-2006 Landschaft Mit Bauernkate. 12.09 x 16.02 in
Hammer prices for Christian Rohlfs Hammer prices and photo for Christian Rohlfs 10-28-2011 Weiblicher Akt 12.13 x 5.51 in
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