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Art auction result for Keith Haring

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Auctioned pieces | 2,460 results are found | Page 78 of 82 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 102

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 06-22-2007 Untitled 60.00 x 60.00 in Acrylic 200,000 GBP
(259,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 06-22-2007 Untitled (aztec Snake Goddess) 60.00 x 60.00 in Acrylic 200,000 GBP
(259,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 11-15-2007 Big Bad Wolf 60.00 x 60.00 in Acrylic 700,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 07-01-2008 Untitled 60.00 x 60.00 in Acrylic 350,000 GBP
(454,300 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 10-25-2005 Sneeze (via Picasso) 60.04 x 60.04 in Acrylic 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 11-10-2004 Untitled #4 60.04 x 60.04 in Acrylic 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 07-28-2020 Untitled 60.12 x 60.12 in Acrylic 2,200,000 GBP
(2,855,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 02-12-2009 Untitled 60.63 x 80.28 in Acrylic 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 11-12-2014 Untitled 60.98 x 52.99 in Enamel 900,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 11-05-2006 Untitled, 1984 62.01 x 20.08 in Acrylic 125,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 06-08-2007 Paul Maenz – Keith Haring 63.00 x 79.00 in Acrylic 240,000 EUR
(261,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 05-16-2007 Acrobats 63.74 x 31.26 x 29.02 in Enamel 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 06-06-2018 Untitled 66.93 x 94.69 in Ink 700,000 EUR
(763,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 10-02-2020 Untitled 67.01 x 94.76 in Ink 700,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 05-15-2013 Untitled 69.02 x 19.49 in Enamel 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 05-16-2007 Untitled 69.02 x 19.49 in Enamel 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 06-21-2004 Untitled 70.47 x 76.77 in Pen 15,000 GBP
(19,470 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 09-22-2011 Totem 70.70 x 21.50 x 1.70 in Painting 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 07-02-2008 Untitled 70.87 x 70.87 in Oil 400,000 GBP
(519,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 06-25-2008 Totem 70.87 x 21.42 x 1.97 in Unknown 18,000 EUR
(19,620 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 11-16-2007 Lily Overstreet (female), 1986 70.98 x 47.13 in Acrylic 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 11-16-2007 Lily Overstreet (male), 1986 70.98 x 47.13 in Acrylic 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 10-05-2019 Totem (concrete) 70.98 x 21.46 x 1.97 in Unknown 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 05-14-2009 Untitled 72.00 x 72.00 in Unknown 800,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 11-10-2004 Untitled 72.01 x 95.98 in Acrylic 350,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 11-16-2006 Untitled 72.01 x 84.02 in Ink 450,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring Hammer prices and photo for Keith Haring 10-23-2020 Untitled 72.01 x 68.50 in Ink 320,000 GBP
(415,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 11-12-2014 Untitled 72.01 x 107.52 in Acrylic 180,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 05-15-2014 ReD-YelloW-Blue #11 72.01 x 60.00 in Acrylic 350,000 USD
Hammer prices for Keith Haring 05-14-2024 Untitled 72.01 x 115.51 in Ink 1,500,000 USD

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