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Art auction result for Fernand Léger

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Auctioned pieces | 2,703 results are found | Page 18 of 91 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 97

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 02-18-2012 Plåtsignerad 11.61 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 04-11-2013 Étude Pour Les Acrobates, Série Sur Le Cirque 11.61 x 14.76 in Painting 30,000 EUR
(32,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 05-09-2013 Composition 11.61 x 17.76 in Gouache 100,000 USD
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 05-02-2013 La Fleur 11.61 x 8.86 in Lithograph 500 GBP
(649 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-18-2009 Composition Au Vase De Fleurs 11.61 x 8.27 x 1.57 in Painting 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 06-17-2010 Composition À La Feuille Jaune 11.61 x 9.57 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 12-15-2004 Nu Agenouillé 11.61 x 8.46 in Ink 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 10-30-2007 Komposition Med Fågel Och Grenar 11.61 x 11.81 in Gouache 300,000 SEK
(28,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 10-15-2011 Nature morte 11.75 x 15.50 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 11-27-2002 Le Pauvre Songe 11.80 x 9.40 in Drawing 4,800 EUR
(5,232 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 04-29-2004 Composition 11.81 x 15.94 in Ink 13,490 EUR
(14,704 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 06-22-2004 Les Ouvriers 11.81 x 9.06 in Pen 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 06-28-2005 Nature Morte À La Théière, 1951 11.81 x 15.35 in Drawing 15,000 EUR
(16,350 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 10-22-2005 Byggnadsarbetare 11.81 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 04-03-2007 Nu Debout, 1906 11.81 x 8.27 in Drawing 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 01-13-2008 G 151 Sao Paulo (esquisse), (anni '50) 11.81 x 7.87 in Tempera 100,000 EUR
(109,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 07-18-2007 Tête De Femme (s. 131) 11.81 x 13.58 in Color Lithograph 700 GBP
(908 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 06-08-2006 Composition Aux Deux Hommes, Le Soldat Attablé Et Le Soldat Debout 11.81 x 9.45 in Ink 35,000 EUR
(38,150 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 06-07-2006 Les Loisirs 11.81 x 17.32 in Ink 80,000 EUR
(87,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 11-14-2011 Unknown 11.81 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 03-26-2013 Trunk Of A Pear Tree - Tronc De Poirier 11.81 x 9.45 in Drawing 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 11-28-2012 Tronc De Poirier 11.81 x 9.45 in Ink 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 11-28-2012 Elément De Rocher Route Des Alpes 11.81 x 9.45 in Ink 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-04-2013 Nu Debout 11.81 x 8.27 in Ink 22,000 EUR
(23,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 06-09-2010 Composition 11.81 x 14.96 x 1.38 in Sculpture 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 07-06-2010 Constructeurs 11.81 x 14.96 in Pencil 15,000 EUR
(16,350 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 01-30-2008 Les Danseuses Au Triangle, 1930 11.81 x 16.65 in Oil 100,000 EUR
(109,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 02-17-2019 Moulin Rouge (plate 29 From La Ville Portfolio) 11.81 x 19.69 in Color Lithograph 300 USD
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 06-19-2019 Arbre Et Fleur 11.89 x 14.96 in Gouache 35,000 GBP
(45,430 USD)
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 11-08-2014 Feuille Rouge 11.89 x 15.71 in

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