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Art auction result for Laurence Stephen Lowry

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Auctioned pieces | 2,323 results are found | Page 78 of 78 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 81

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-20-2011 Street Scene With Viaduct And A Lancashire Village 49.00 x 37.00 in Print 60 GBP
(77 USD)
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry Hammer prices and photo for Laurence Stephen Lowry 10-07-2014 People Standing About 49.50 x 33.50 in Print 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 10-10-2013 The Level Crossing 50.00 x 60.00 in Lithograph 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 06-22-2010 The Cripple 50.00 x 30.00 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 10-10-2013 Burford Church 52.00 x 37.00 in Print 250 GBP
(324 USD)
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 09-08-2009 A Country Road 54.00 x 64.00 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 07-31-2012 Two Brothers 61.00 x 30.50 in Print 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 07-31-2012 St. Lukes, London 61.50 x 46.00 in Print 500 GBP
(649 USD)
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 03-28-2018 St.luke´s Church, London 61.50 x 46.00 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 03-19-2014 Group Of Children 68.90 x 74.80 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry Hammer prices and photo for Laurence Stephen Lowry 03-21-2012 Industrial Scene 100.00 x 150.00 in Print 150 GBP
(194 USD)
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry Hammer prices and photo for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-11-2006 'his Family' 118.11 x 196.85 in Reproduction 500 GBP
(649 USD)
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 07-16-2014 Level Crossing With Train 188.98 x 222.44 in

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