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Art auction result for Dieter Roth

1930 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 934 results are found | Page 27 of 32 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 20

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 10-27-2006 Doppelkopf 25.98 x 36.61 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 12-08-2012 Müh U. Sorge 25.98 x 36.54 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 11-05-2014 No Title 25.98 x 36.61 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 04-30-2008 Mittlerer Sonnenuntergang 26.57 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 06-02-2007 Aus Der Hand In Den Mund. 1972. 26.61 x 33.07 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 12-02-2004 SchiffartS- & Windetüden 26.61 x 12.56 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 11-26-2005 Ein Gerissener Hase 27.09 x 39.21 in Silkscreen 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 10-15-2005 Untitled 27.17 x 37.40 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 06-04-2004 Mittlerer Sonnenuntergang 1968/1970 27.17 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 04-28-2006 Gemischter Kopfsalat. 27.36 x 35.24 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 04-28-2006 Gemischter Kopfsalat. 27.36 x 35.24 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 06-06-2007 Grosse Kümmeling. 1970 27.36 x 39.17 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-19-2009 Gemischter Kopfsalat 27.36 x 35.24 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 05-21-2015 Self 27.36 x 31.69 in Screenprint 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 06-21-2015 Ein Gerissener Hase 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 11-22-2014 Köln 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-16-2011 Graphik Mit Kakau 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-16-2011 Pram 27.56 x 35.43 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-02-2010 Thomkinspatent 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 12-03-2010 Thomkinspatent (thomkin's Patent) 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 12-03-2010 Graphik Mit Kakau (graphic With Cacao) 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 03-27-2009 Ein Gerissener Hase. 1990 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 12-04-2008 Graphik Mit Kakau (d.100) 27.56 x 39.37 in Silkscreen 3,000 GBP
(3,894 USD)
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth 10-31-2008 "graphik Und Kakau" 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 12-05-2008 Ein Gerissener Hase 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 12-04-2008 Mittlerer Sonnenuntergang 27.56 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 12-03-2008 Untitled 27.56 x 39.37 in Charcoal 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-01-2010 Thomkinspatent 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-01-2010 Mittlerer Sonnenuntergang 27.56 x 19.69 in Painting 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 12-07-2009 Sans Titre 27.56 x 38.19 in Collage 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)

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