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Art auction result for Louise Bourgeois

1911 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 488 results are found | Page 8 of 17 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 4

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 06-04-2004 Ohne Titel 1985 12.44 x 8.35 in
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 06-04-2004 Sheaves 1985 12.48 x 8.31 in
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 09-26-2006 Inner Life (wye & Smith 78) 12.48 x 8.39 in Lithograph 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 03-07-2014 Drawing No. 201 12.52 x 6.38 in Ink 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 07-30-2020 Untitled 12.60 x 12.01 x 12.01 in Unknown 400,000 GBP
(519,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 07-16-2020 Untitled 12.72 x 9.72 in Ink 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 05-11-2005 Untitled 12.87 x 19.49 in Ink 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 05-27-2008 Hologrammes (huit Pièces) 12.99 x 9.84 in Unknown 40,000 EUR
(43,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 09-20-2011 Sculptress, From Autobiographical Series 12.99 x 8.07 in Drypoint 1,500 GBP
(1,947 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 12-01-2011 Feuille. 12.99 x 10.63 in Color Lithograph 2,500 EUR
(2,725 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 10-17-2013 Femme 12.99 x 16.50 x 7.76 in Bronze 300,000 GBP
(389,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 05-27-2013 No Title 12.99 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 06-30-2020 Female Portrait 12.99 x 12.99 x 11.50 in Bronze 450,000 USD
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 05-27-2021 Untitled 12.99 x 10.51 in Watercolor 40,000 GBP
(51,920 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 10-21-2020 Fragile Goddess 12.99 x 4.96 x 5.51 in Fabric linen flag w/polyester 500,000 GBP
(649,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 06-12-2014 The Olive Branch, From L'art Pour La Paix 13.03 x 10.55 in Lithograph 2,000 GBP
(2,596 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 12-11-2013 Untitled (two Chairs) 13.19 x 11.14 in
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 03-28-2013 Untitled 13.19 x 11.14 in Unknown 6,000 GBP
(7,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 06-28-2012 Untitled (two Chairs) 13.19 x 11.14 in Unknown 6,000 GBP
(7,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 06-30-2020 Untitled 13.27 x 10.12 in Ink 80,000 USD
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 10-22-2024 Scissors, Autobiographical Series (cat. No. 430/iii) 13.39 x 9.84 in Drypoint 50,000 ZAR
(2,750 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 11-29-2005 Metamorfosis 13.39 x 13.39 in Etching 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 07-16-2013 Metamorfosis, Galerie Lelong, Paris 13.62 x 13.62 in Etching 8,000 USD
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 12-11-2013 Metamorfosis 13.78 x 14.37 in
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 03-28-2013 Metamorfosis 13.78 x 14.37 in Collage 7,000 GBP
(9,086 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 12-04-2012 Metamorfosis 13.78 x 14.37 in Unknown 8,000 GBP
(10,384 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 03-28-2012 Untitled 13.98 x 10.83 in Ink 40,000 GBP
(51,920 USD)
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois Hammer prices and photo for Louise Bourgeois 05-09-2012 Figure 13.98 x 6.10 x 7.99 in Bronze 250,000 USD
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 06-04-2010 Eight In A Bed 13.98 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Louise Bourgeois 02-08-2007 The Lair 13.98 x 12.99 x 13.98 in Bronze 80,000 GBP
(103,840 USD)
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