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Art auction result for Marc Chagall

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Auctioned pieces | 13,124 results are found | Page 277 of 438 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 399

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 03-15-2005 Christ In The Clock (m.196) 17.40 x 15.04 in Lithograph 4,000 GBP
(5,192 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-09-2007 „les Amants De La Tour Eiffel“ 17.40 x 13.00 in Pochoir 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-03-2007 Maternite, Circa 1971 17.40 x 11.02 in Ink 25,000 EUR
(27,250 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-29-2011 La Caverne Des Nymphes, From: Daphnis Et Chloé 17.40 x 25.28 in Lithograph 28,000 GBP
(36,344 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 02-19-2020 Femme À La Bougie Ou Ma GranD-Mère 17.40 x 11.22 in Gouache 350,000 EUR
(381,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 03-17-2015 In The Land Of The Gods: One Plate (m. 537; C. Bks. 72) 17.44 x 13.78 in Cement 8,000 GBP
(10,384 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-24-2012 Jean Paulhan, De Mauvais Sujets, 17.44 x 13.39 in Etching 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 10-27-2011 The Lovers Under The Tree (cramer 31) 17.44 x 24.02 in Aquatint 8,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 11-05-2006 And Thou Shalt Smile On The Rocke 17.48 x 12.99 in Color Lithograph 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 02-08-2007 Les Amoureux Sous L'arbre 17.48 x 23.98 in Aquatint 4,500 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 10-31-2006 Oh Happy Bridegroom..., From In The Land Of The Gods: (m. 540) 17.48 x 14.21 in Color Lithograph 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 10-28-2005 Bible (c. Bks. 29) 17.48 x 13.11 in Etching 80,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 02-15-2012 Le Peintre Devant Le Tableau (the Painter In Front Of The Easel) 17.48 x 12.99 in Etching 9,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-13-2013 And Thou Shall Smile On The Rock And Water Shall Come Out Of it 17.50 x 13.00 in Lithograph 900 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 12-12-2013 The Painter At The Eiffel Tower 17.50 x 14.30 in Lithograph 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 09-29-2014 Moses And The Burning Bush (from The Story Of The Exodus) 17.50 x 13.00 in Lithograph 2,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-22-2014 Reprenez, Muses, Reprenez Avec Moi Le Chant Bucolique..., Pl. 9, From Sur La Terres Des Dieux 17.50 x 14.00 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-01-2015 Reprenez Muses, Reprenez Avec Moi Le Chant Bucolique (pl. 9 From Sur La Terre Des Dieux) 17.50 x 14.00 in Lithograph 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 10-23-2014 Sur La Terre Des Dieux: One Print 17.50 x 14.20 in Color Lithograph 10,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 04-19-2005 Le Coq Jaune 17.50 x 11.30 in Etching 5,000 GBP
(6,490 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 09-26-2006 Then Moses And Aaron Went, Pl 8 (from The Story The Exodus) 17.50 x 13.00 in Color Lithograph 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-20-2012 Two Plates, From The Story Of The Exodus 17.50 x 13.00 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-15-2012 Josué À Sichem. 17.52 x 11.42 in Drawing 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-08-2012 Clown Et Femme Nue 17.52 x 11.42 in Pen 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 12-02-2011 The Story Of The Exodus 17.52 x 12.68 in Color Lithograph 20,000 EUR
(21,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 10-28-2008 "nu A Drammont" 17.52 x 22.44 in Gouache 3,500,000 SEK
(332,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 05-31-2008 Der Gelbe Hahn 17.52 x 11.22 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 12-08-2007 Les Amoureux Dans Le Ciel De SainT-Paul. 17.52 x 24.09 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-25-2009 Then All The People Pluckt From Themselves The Golden Earerings...brought Them To Aaron....and Made Of It A Molten Calfe: From The Story Of The Exodus, Pl. 17 (mourlot 460) 17.52 x 12.76 in Lithograph 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 07-19-2009 Les Amoureux De La Place De La Concorde. 1957. 17.52 x 23.62 in Lithograph 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)

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