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Art auction result for Marc Chagall

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Auctioned pieces | 13,124 results are found | Page 387 of 438 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 399

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-04-2014 The Tribe Of Benjamin, From: Twelve Maquettes Of Stained Glass Windows For Jerusalem 28.15 x 20.87 in Lithograph 3,000 GBP
(3,894 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 11-30-2010 Flowers In A Vase With Purple Backdrop 28.15 x 21.06 in Print 400 GBP
(519 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 11-01-2007 The Easel (m. 561) 28.15 x 22.52 in Lithograph 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 09-18-2008 Le Clown Musicien 28.15 x 19.49 in Color Lithograph 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 11-19-2005 Offrande À La Tour Eiffel. (opfergabe Für Den Eiffelturm.) Ausstellungsplakat Der Smithsonian Institution Washington. 28.15 x 20.28 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-30-2006 King David And Nude With Blue Face 28.15 x 24.21 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 07-27-2006 Offrande A La Tour Eiffel 28.15 x 20.28 in Color Lithograph 400 GBP
(519 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 05-11-2007 Circus With Yellow Clown 28.20 x 21.20 in Color Lithograph 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 02-07-2012 Hommage Au Passé 28.23 x 29.88 in Oil 800,000 GBP
(1,038,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 04-26-2012 Le Cirque À L'étoile 28.25 x 21.00 in Lithograph 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 10-25-2014 Affiche 28.35 x 20.47 in Lithograph 50 EUR
(54 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-14-2018 Fleurs De Printemps (la Cruche Aux Fleurs De Printemps) 28.35 x 23.86 in Oil 1,500,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-12-2012 Mourlot Imprimeurs - Circulated By The Smithsonian Institution 28.35 x 20.28 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-19-2011 Le Fleurs, Les Fruit Et L'amour 28.35 x 20.08 in Lithograph 350 GBP
(454 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-13-2010 Plakat Für Die Galerie Maeght 28.35 x 20.28 in Color Lithograph 6,000 CHF
(6,708 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 01-19-2008 Couple Over Nice 28.35 x 20.08 in Lithograph 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-09-2009 Pierrot And A Violinist(estampe) 28.35 x 22.44 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-25-2007 L'ange Du Jugement 28.35 x 21.46 in Color Lithograph 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-02-2007 The Painter In Pink 28.35 x 19.69 in Lithograph 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 02-06-2007 Ballerine Pour Léonide Massine 28.35 x 20.87 in Gouache 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 08-14-2006 Le Profil Bleue 28.35 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 09-23-2006 Untitled 28.35 x 20.47 in Offset 50 EUR
(54 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-25-2006 Unknown 28.35 x 20.47 in Color Offset 50 EUR
(54 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 06-21-2005 Hommage À Vence 28.35 x 20.87 in Gouache 160,000 GBP
(207,680 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-28-2005 Untitled 28.35 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-15-2004 Notturno 28.35 x 20.08 in Color Lithograph 1,400 EUR
(1,526 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-07-2004 A Cirkusz 28.35 x 20.08 in Color Lithograph 240,000 HUF
(720 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-07-2004 Aurore À SainT-Paul, 1968 28.46 x 19.49 in Color Lithograph 12,000 FIM
(2,196 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-28-2006 Happiness 28.46 x 21.06 in Color Lithograph 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 09-28-2005 Cirque, Février (m. 563) 28.50 x 21.50 in Lithograph 2,000 USD

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