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Art auction result for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler

1928 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 440 results are found | Page 14 of 15 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 32

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 06-08-2010 Parets 51.20 x 27.20 in Drawing 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-21-2010 Parets 51.26 x 37.24 in Paper 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-11-2004 Green And Beyond 51.54 x 61.50 in Acrylic 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-15-2006 Basin 52.24 x 106.42 in Acrylic 180,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 09-15-2004 Sea Strip 52.48 x 39.02 in Acrylic 55,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-12-2010 Côte D'argent 55.00 x 40.00 in Acrylic 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-15-2006 Another Sea 55.51 x 71.26 in Acrylic 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-15-2008 Nadir Rising 55.51 x 49.02 in Acrylic 300,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-10-2005 Aqueduct 62.76 x 39.49 in Acrylic 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-15-2007 Lunar Edge 63.50 x 65.51 in Acrylic 250,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-12-2009 Tuscany 64.02 x 105.98 in Oil 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-15-2012 Green Arena 66.50 x 66.93 in Acrylic 350,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-16-2007 Dawn Shapes 67.72 x 57.48 in Oil 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-15-2009 Guadalupe 68.50 x 45.00 in Mixograph 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-09-2005 Hofburg Palace 69.00 x 70.00 in Oil 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-03-2005 Gateway (h. 154) 69.02 x 88.50 in Etching 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 04-30-2005 Gateway (h. 154) 69.02 x 88.50 in Aquatint 22,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-01-2007 Gateway (h. 154) 69.02 x 88.50 in Etching 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-01-2007 Guadalupe (h. 164) 69.02 x 45.00 in Mixograph 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-17-2007 Sky Banner 70.00 x 29.02 in Acrylic 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-13-2008 Pendulum 70.00 x 87.52 in Acrylic 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-12-2008 Cortez Junction 70.51 x 72.52 in Acrylic 450,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-11-2003 Mountain Storm 71.97 x 47.99 in Oil 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-17-2007 Glow ii 75.00 x 69.25 in Acrylic 300,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-15-2008 Untitled 75.51 x 6.50 in Acrylic 90,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler Hammer prices and photo for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 09-19-2012 White Makes Four 75.75 x 38.23 in Acrylic 350,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 04-30-2009 Freefall (h. 233) 77.56 x 60.43 in Woodcut 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 11-01-2007 Freefall (h. 233) 77.56 x 60.43 in Woodcut 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 05-03-2007 Freefall 77.56 x 60.43 in Woodcut 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Helen Motherwell Frankenthaler 04-30-2005 Freefall (h. 233) 77.56 x 60.43 in Woodcut 60,000 USD

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