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Art auction result for Yoshitomo Nara

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Auctioned pieces | 973 results are found | Page 33 of 33 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 4

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 11-12-2009 Black Hole Cosmic Heads 82.64 x 12.01 x 12.01 in Lacquer 180,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-11-2004 Ash Night 82.68 x 62.99 in Oil 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 05-16-2013 Song From A Room (new Castle Version) 83.98 x 84.21 in Acrylic 600,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-14-2006 Punch Me Harder 85.00 x 77.01 in Acrylic 600,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 05-26-2018 Punch Me Harder 85.00 x 77.01 in Acrylic 15,000,000 HKD
(1,920,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 06-30-2008 Fuck 86.61 x 0 in Acrylic 220,000 GBP
(285,560 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 10-05-2013 Rock'n Roll The Roll 89.37 x 118.70 in Acrylic 6,500,000 HKD
(832,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 05-16-2007 Night Walker 89.49 x 71.50 in Acrylic 600,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 04-05-2014 Night Walker 89.76 x 71.65 in Acrylic 15,000,000 HKD
(1,920,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 05-17-2007 One Way Dog 90.51 x 124.02 x 67.01 in Wood 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-23-2013 Untitled 90.75 x 65.08 in Acrylic 4,800,000 HKD
(614,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 11-24-2012 Untitled 90.98 x 73.50 in Acrylic 10,000,000 HKD
(1,280,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 10-16-2014 Banging The Drum 102.36 x 102.17 in Acrylic 320,000 GBP
(415,360 USD)

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