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Art auction result for David Lachapelle

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Auctioned pieces | 345 results are found | Page 12 of 12 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 3

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 11-14-2014 Statue 69.09 x 52.17 in Print 35,000 EUR
(38,150 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 03-08-2019 Awakened: Ruth 70.47 x 53.43 in Cibachrome 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle Hammer prices and photo for David Lachapelle 05-17-2012 Deluge 70.87 x 92.32 in Print 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 10-11-2012 Deluge 70.87 x 92.32 in Print 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 10-17-2013 Deluge 70.87 x 92.32 in C-print 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 05-21-2015 Jesus Is My Homeboy: Anointing 71.46 x 111.02 in Print 40,000 GBP
(51,920 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 06-26-2009 Deluge: Museum 71.50 x 95.75 in C-print 80,000 GBP
(103,840 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle Hammer prices and photo for David Lachapelle 05-08-2014 Cathedral, Los Angeles 71.97 x 96.97 in Print 20,000 GBP
(25,960 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle Hammer prices and photo for David Lachapelle 05-15-2009 The House At The End Of The World, 2005-2007 72.00 x 96.80 in C-print 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 06-27-2012 Museum 72.01 x 97.01 in C-print 80,000 GBP
(103,840 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 05-23-2015 Deluge 92.72 x 24.02 in Print 35,000 GBP
(45,430 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle Hammer prices and photo for David Lachapelle 04-09-2011 Statue, Los Angeles 95.70 x 71.50 in Print 80,000 USD
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle Hammer prices and photo for David Lachapelle 06-30-2010 Statue, Los Angeles 95.75 x 71.50 in Print 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle 11-10-2011 American Jesus: Archangel Michael: And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer 96.00 x 72.00 in Print 90,000 USD
Hammer prices for David Lachapelle Hammer prices and photo for David Lachapelle 11-07-2013 Amanda Lepore: Addicted To Diamonds, New York 99.41 x 71.65 in Print 45,000 GBP
(58,410 USD)

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