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Art auction result for Leonard Long

1911 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 131 results are found | Page 5 of 5 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 2

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Leonard Long 04-27-2007 Evening Sky 5.51 x 7.48 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long 07-31-2006 The Smoking Hills Wollondilly Valley At Bullio Nsw 35.04 x 78.74 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long 07-31-2006 Kawarau Dam 13.39 x 17.32 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long 07-31-2006 The Rugged Hills Flinders Ranges, South Australia 29.33 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long 03-15-2014 Unknown 23.62 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long 08-29-2010 Southerly Weather, Fitzroy Pondage 32.68 x 49.61 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long Hammer prices and photo for Leonard Long 03-25-2011 At The Crossing, Wollonwilly River N.s.w 19.69 x 29.53 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long Hammer prices and photo for Leonard Long 03-25-2011 Above The Lake, Wingecaribec N.s.w 18.11 x 25.98 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long Hammer prices and photo for Leonard Long 04-29-2011 Grey Day, Mt. Conway, N.t 19.69 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long Hammer prices and photo for Leonard Long 04-29-2011 Misty Morning, Wattamoua 4.72 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Leonard Long Hammer prices and photo for Leonard Long 04-29-2011 By The Shallows 11.81 x 18.11 in
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