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Art auction result for Roelof Jansz Van Vries

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Auctioned pieces | 66 results are found | Page 3 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Roelof Jansz Van Vries Hammer prices and photo for Roelof Jansz Van Vries 11-27-2007 A Lady And Gentleman With A Dog In A Woodland Clearing 27.95 x 22.44 in
Hammer prices for Roelof Jansz Van Vries 06-23-2008 Pêcheurs En Barque Près D'une Chaumière 19.69 x 25.59 in
Hammer prices for Roelof Jansz Van Vries 03-18-2005 Waldweg Mit Hütte, Reitern Und Vogelverkäufer 10.43 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Roelof Jansz Van Vries Hammer prices and photo for Roelof Jansz Van Vries 12-06-2006 A Dune Landscape With Two Figures On A Country Path 9.84 x 14.02 in
Hammer prices for Roelof Jansz Van Vries Hammer prices and photo for Roelof Jansz Van Vries 04-08-2006 Partie Einer Holländischen Kleinstadt Mit Figurenstaffage 23.23 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Roelof Jansz Van Vries Hammer prices and photo for Roelof Jansz Van Vries 04-08-2006 Sommerliche Landschaft Mit Gehöften Und Vieh Auf Der Weide 25.00 x 41.73 in
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