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Art auction result for Alexander Drobik

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Auctioned pieces | 14 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik 04-01-2015 Wintertag Mit Wassertrog Und Blick Auf Den Dachstein 19.69 x 30.71 in Oil 1,800 EUR
(1,962 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 10-07-2009 Im Dachsteingebiet 23.23 x 24.02 in Oil 1,100 EUR
(1,199 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik 01-23-2008 Winter Landscape 26.38 x 25.20 in Oil 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 04-23-2008 Pejzaż Zimowy Z Rzeką 21.85 x 27.36 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik 05-25-2005 Der Dachstein 27.56 x 29.53 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik 11-16-2005 Der Dachstein 27.56 x 29.53 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik 11-22-2006 Der Dachstein 27.56 x 29.53 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 12-01-2011 Fürffingerspitze 29.53 x 33.07 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 12-01-2011 Almhaus In Verschneiter Landschaft 24.80 x 26.38 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 12-01-2011 Winterlandschaft Mit Gebirgszug 24.80 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 12-06-2012 Verschneite Berglandschaft 24.80 x 26.38 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 12-06-2012 Wildererjoch/hohe Tatra 16.54 x 21.06 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 12-04-2014 Gehöft In Herbstlicher Landschaft 19.49 x 21.06 in
Hammer prices for Alexander Drobik Hammer prices and photo for Alexander Drobik 12-04-2014 St. Oswald B. Kleinkirchheim 23.23 x 21.06 in

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