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Art auction result for Fletcher Benton

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Auctioned pieces | 43 results are found | Page 2 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton Hammer prices and photo for Fletcher Benton 12-11-2014 Untitled (a Group Of Four Works) 21.00 x 20.90 in Print 700 USD
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton 03-13-2011 Folded circle‐ maquette 8.00 x 5.00 x 5.00 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton Hammer prices and photo for Fletcher Benton 04-14-2021 Donut With Balls And X 20.98 x 24.49 x 19.02 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton Hammer prices and photo for Fletcher Benton 10-03-2012 BalanceD-Unbalanced Triangle Phase, 1982 8.50 x 8.50 x 10.00 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton Hammer prices and photo for Fletcher Benton 11-10-2013 Untitled 34.30 x 50.00 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton 04-01-2014 Untitled, Steel Watercolor 140.00 x 30.00 x 30.00 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton 04-05-2008 Untitled [portrait Of The Artist's Wife] 16.00 x 14.00 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton Hammer prices and photo for Fletcher Benton 11-23-2008 Plexigraph TrI-Hexagon 16.75 x 16.75 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton 09-21-2008 Reclining Nude 36.00 x 36.00 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton 05-16-2010 Untitled 16.38 x 4.00 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton Hammer prices and photo for Fletcher Benton 09-15-2021 Drum Rhythm Maquette 7.36 x 4.25 x 4.76 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton 05-08-2019 Folded CirclE-Two Squares 17.01 x 20.00 x 20.00 in
Hammer prices for Fletcher Benton 05-02-2018 Folded Circle Ring Zig 14.02 x 14.02 x 15.51 in
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