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Art auction result for Cai Zhisong

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Auctioned pieces | 19 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 10-07-2014 Custom To Motherland No.1 33.07 x 15.75 x 15.75 in Unknown 500,000 HKD
(648,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 04-08-2006 Ode To Motherland Series No. 4 57.48 x 37.80 in Glass 450,000 HKD
(583,650 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong 10-06-2009 Motherland: Ballad No.2 15.75 x 29.13 x 42.91 in Bronze 400,000 HKD
(518,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong 05-31-2015 Custom To Motherland No. 3 58.27 x 25.20 x 11.42 in Unknown 380,000 HKD
(492,860 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 11-16-2013 Past Kindom·wind 33.07 x 15.75 x 15.75 in Sculpture 350,000 CNY
(48,300 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 06-26-2014 Rose Banner 96.06 x 19.29 x 2.76 in Lead 260,000 CNY
(35,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong 10-24-2005 Custom To Motherland No. 1 31.89 x 18.70 x 15.75 in Bronze 250,000 HKD
(324,250 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 11-25-2007 Head Sculpture Of An Attendant & The Refinement To Motherland No. 3 9.49 x 5.00 x 4.02 in Sculpture 220,000 HKD
(285,340 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong 05-27-2007 The Refinement To Motherland No. 3 139.37 x 29.13 x 0.02 in Unknown 200,000 HKD
(259,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong 12-15-2014 Platform Cloud 4.92 x 3.94 x 2.56 in Mixed Media 100,000 CNY
(13,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 06-26-2014 Rose Bouquet 5.91 x 4.72 x 22.83 in Lead 88,000 CNY
(12,144 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong 04-02-2012 Refinement  To  Motherland  No.  3 109.06 x 22.83 in Lead 60,000 HKD
(77,820 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong 12-15-2014 Square Rose(1/1) 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.97 in Unknown 60,000 CNY
(8,280 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 06-26-2014 Rose 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.97 in Lead 45,000 CNY
(6,210 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 12-07-2008 An Attendant No. 2 6.69 x 18.11 x 22.05 in Painting 37,500 USD
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 07-19-2009 Head Of A Warrior. 12.99 x 0 in Unknown 30,000 CHF
(33,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 10-18-2008 Ode To Motherland No. 7, 2005-2006 47.52 x 47.99 x 11.73 in Fiberglass 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 06-26-2011 Rose Series(1/1) 39.37 x 39.37 x 5.91 in Lead 29,126 USD
Hammer prices for Cai Zhisong Hammer prices and photo for Cai Zhisong 06-26-2011 Rose(28/49) 5.91 x 4.72 x 22.83 in Bronze 8,900 USD

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