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Art auction result for Norbertine Bresslern Roth

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Auctioned pieces | 509 results are found | Page 17 of 17 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 9

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Marabut/serie Tripolis 7.09 x 10.24 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Paviane 8.86 x 8.07 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Reh 5.51 x 11.22 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Junger Fischer 8.07 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Junge Raubvögel 8.66 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Schleiertanz 8.07 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Wiesenblume Mit Biene 2.87 x 1.97 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Junger Löwe 6.50 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-01-2011 Löwin Mit Jungen 5.31 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 11-14-2011 "der Kampf" Oktobus Mit Languste 8.66 x 8.54 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Scheues Kätzchen 25.00 x 18.70 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Löwenäffchen 7.48 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Bärenkinder 26.77 x 21.26 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Kormoran 7.68 x 10.04 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Alpenzeisig 7.87 x 5.31 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Kopf Des Haselhahnes 5.51 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Braunkehlchen 8.27 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Stiefmütterchen 2.95 x 2.95 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 12-02-2010 Weißkopfgeier 6.50 x 8.19 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 03-14-2011 Ara 6.89 x 7.28 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 03-14-2011 Gazelles Stalked By A Black Panther 8.27 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 03-14-2011 Roebuck In Winter 5.31 x 7.28 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Scheues Kätzchen 25.00 x 18.70 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Vögel In Baumkrone 12.60 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Weiße Maus 4.92 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Eichhörnchen 5.51 x 7.28 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Zicklein 4.53 x 5.71 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Haselmäuse 5.51 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Norbertine Bresslern Roth Hammer prices and photo for Norbertine Bresslern Roth 06-09-2011 Truthähne 7.87 x 8.66 in

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