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Art auction result for Beatrice Langdon

1900 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 7 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Beatrice Langdon Hammer prices and photo for Beatrice Langdon 07-19-2006 A Summers Day In Victoria Road, Kensington; And Two Further London Views, Thought To Be Kensington 10.47 x 14.02 in Oil 500 GBP
(649 USD)
Hammer prices for Beatrice Langdon Hammer prices and photo for Beatrice Langdon 12-06-2013 Ingleborough Peak, Yorkshire 11.22 x 15.75 in Oil 150 GBP
(194 USD)
Hammer prices for Beatrice Langdon Hammer prices and photo for Beatrice Langdon 10-07-2014 The Lone Cottage, Near Ingelborough, Yorks 11.02 x 15.94 in Oil 120 GBP
(155 USD)
Hammer prices for Beatrice Langdon 03-31-2015 Chalets And A Path Through The Mountains In Switzerland 11.42 x 15.75 in Oil 80 GBP
(103 USD)
Hammer prices for Beatrice Langdon Hammer prices and photo for Beatrice Langdon 03-31-2015 Ingleborough Peak, Yorkshire 11.22 x 15.75 in Oil 80 GBP
(103 USD)
Hammer prices for Beatrice Langdon Hammer prices and photo for Beatrice Langdon 03-11-2008 Swiss Mountain Scene With Chalets 11.42 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Beatrice Langdon Hammer prices and photo for Beatrice Langdon 01-19-2012 Country Land With Cottages 9.84 x 13.78 in

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