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Art auction result for Gustav Klimt

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Auctioned pieces | 768 results are found | Page 22 of 26 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 16

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 11-13-2005 Waterserpents 1 23.03 x 46.85 in Oil 180 GBP
(233 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 09-04-2013 The Kiss 32.00 x 19.50 in Screenprint 100 GBP
(129 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 07-25-2004 Water Serpents ii 13.78 x 24.80 in Poster 80 AUD
(54 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 01-20-2004 A Plan Of The Navigatable Canal From Chesterfield In The County Of Derby To The River Trent Near Stockwith In The County Of Nottingham Suryeved In 1769 6.22 x 11.81 in Engraving 40 GBP
(51 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 02-28-2019 Sitzend Von Vorne, Den Kopf Etwas Nach Links Geneigt (hermine Gallia) 17.76 x 11.89 in Pencil 0 ABC
(0 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 12-06-2013 Stehender Weiblicher Akt 17.72 x 11.85 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-08-2013 Zwei Studien Eines Sitzenden Halbaktes Nach Links 12.40 x 17.32 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-13-2013 Gebeugt Kniender Männerakt 17.32 x 11.73 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-07-2013 Two Studies For The Skeleton In The Painting Medizin (1901-1907) 18.11 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-13-2014 Sitzendes Mädchen Nach Links (mäda Primavesi) 15.67 x 7.24 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 07-10-2014 Der Kuss 15.35 x 11.61 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-23-2014 Aktstudie Einer Tänzerin 17.28 x 12.68 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 04-16-2015 Der Kuss 15.35 x 11.61 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 11-29-2014 Auf Dem Rücken Liegender Halbakt Nach Rechts 14.61 x 22.13 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 12-05-2014 Stehender Weiblicher Akt 17.72 x 11.85 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 12-05-2014 Mit Ausgestreckten Beinen Nach Links Sitzende Nackte Schwangere, Studie Zu Hoffnung ii 13.78 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-24-2015 Das Werk Von Gustav Klimt 18.70 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 10-15-2020 Kopf - Und Handstudien 19.69 x 13.58 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 11-17-2020 Im Lehnstuhl Sitzernd Von Vorne, Beide Unteratme Aufgestutzt (adele BlocH-Bauer) 17.72 x 12.48 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 12-04-2002 Bildnis Hermine Gallia. Stehend Mit Boa Im Profil Nach Rechts 17.70 x 12.50 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 11-14-2005 Gustav Klimt - Zeichnungen 23.62 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 11-14-2005 50 Handzeichnungen 11.02 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 12-05-2005 Verbrecherin 17.60 x 12.24 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 10-15-2005 Gustav Klimt - TwentY-Five Drawings Selected And Interpreted By Alice Strobl 23.62 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 12-01-2005 Blätter Aus Privatbesitz 27.17 x 19.29 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 12-01-2005 Künstlerteppich 57.09 x 59.06 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 10-08-2005 Wasserschlangen 8.66 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-09-2005 Sonnenblumen 51.97 x 35.43 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-09-2005 Der Kuß 47.64 x 31.89 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-15-2005 Danae 31.50 x 23.62 in

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