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Art auction result for Hermann Scherer

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Auctioned pieces | 84 results are found | Page 3 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-14-2009 Weiler Mit Kirche. 12.99 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 06-17-2010 Portrait Dr. S[axer] 18.39 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 06-17-2010 Weiblicher Akt, Stehend 18.58 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 06-04-2011 Mutter. 39.37 x 16.54 x 20.47 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 06-16-2011 Akt Mit Skulptur 18.90 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Vier Figuren Vor Häusern 21.65 x 16.73 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Abendlandschaft 16.73 x 18.50 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Atelierfest 16.73 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Villa Loverciana 15.16 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Grosse Tessinerlandschaft 20.47 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Tessinerlandschaft 16.54 x 21.46 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Figur In Landschaft 16.54 x 21.06 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Kastanienbaum 21.46 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Figuren In Landschaft 21.26 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Paar Bei Der Lampe 16.54 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Porträt Paul Camenisch 23.62 x 15.35 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Strassenszene 14.37 x 21.46 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Frauenkopf Mit Akt 16.73 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Porträt Otto Rühle 16.14 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Stehender Akt 18.90 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-05-2014 Das Paar. 33.86 x 21.26 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 04-16-2015 Das Kreuz 13.19 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 04-16-2015 Der Traum 13.19 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Scherer Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Scherer 11-03-2011 Rodion Raskolnikoff Nach Dostojewski 12.99 x 10.83 in
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