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Art auction result for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur

1822 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 423 results are found | Page 2 of 15 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 37

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 04-18-2007 Deer In The Moonlight 19.25 x 25.51 in Pastel 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur Hammer prices and photo for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 01-25-2007 Herons In A Landscape 15.00 x 10.75 in Oil 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur Hammer prices and photo for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 06-26-2007 Biche Et Faon Dans Un SouS-Bois (a Doe And Her Fawn In A Thicket) 25.51 x 22.76 in Oil 25,000 GBP
(32,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 04-18-2007 The Old Monarch 9.76 x 13.11 in Watercolor 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur Hammer prices and photo for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 06-14-2006 Combat Between A Tiger And A Python 12.28 x 18.15 in Watercolor 25,000 GBP
(32,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 10-27-2004 Le Cheval Blanc 12.76 x 18.27 in Oil 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur Hammer prices and photo for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-02-2014 Hästar I Landskap 10.04 x 14.96 in Oil 25,000 SEK
(2,375 USD)
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-06-2014 Going To Market 19.09 x 26.97 in Oil 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 01-17-2012 The King Watches 22.01 x 30.51 in Watercolor 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur Hammer prices and photo for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-06-2009 Oxen Plowing 27.01 x 40.00 in Oil 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 11-20-2012 Un Berger Avec Son Troupeau 25.39 x 32.28 in Oil 20,000 GBP
(25,960 USD)
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 05-27-2004 Jaktstilleben Med Rådjur 13.39 x 10.24 in Oil 20,000 SEK
(1,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 06-14-2004 Cows And Bulls At Rest In The Mountains 25.75 x 32.52 in Oil 20,000 CAD
(14,660 USD)
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 04-18-2007 Lion (the Look Out) 17.76 x 24.25 in Oil 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 11-29-2007 Le Dressage Du Pony 15.00 x 21.34 in Oil 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 10-23-2007 Four Boars In A Landscape 12.60 x 18.11 in Oil 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 10-23-2007 Longhorn Bull In A Landscape 14.96 x 18.11 in Oil 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 10-23-2007 Three Wooly Sheep 12.99 x 16.54 in Oil 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 11-29-2007 Sheep In A Meadow 17.52 x 23.98 in Oil 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-05-2008 Two Deer In A Forest Glade 18.31 x 22.05 in Oil 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-05-2008 Sheep In A Mountainous Landscape 14.17 x 31.50 in Oil 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-05-2008 Cows Resting 10.04 x 13.98 in Oil 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur Hammer prices and photo for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-07-2008 Lion Et Lionne 11.02 x 15.35 in Watercolor 15,000 EUR
(16,350 USD)
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-05-2008 Stag And Doe In A Landscape 14.57 x 21.46 in Oil 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-05-2008 Shepherds And Their Flock 20.00 x 25.51 in Oil 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 12-05-2008 A Pony And A Donkey In A Mountain Landscape 21.50 x 25.47 in Oil 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 10-23-2008 Lioness At Rest 21.22 x 25.00 in Oil 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 11-29-2007 A Pair Of Black Sheep 11.73 x 13.50 in Oil 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 11-29-2007 Three Sheep In A Landscape 18.23 x 25.47 in Oil 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Rosa Marie Rosalie Bonheur 11-29-2007 A Boar 18.27 x 15.00 in Oil 15,000 USD
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