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Art auction result for Hermann Max Pechstein

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Auctioned pieces | 1,452 results are found | Page 1 of 49 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 63

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-23-2014 Die Gelbe Maske I (the Yellow Mask I) – Recto Sängerin In Rot (singer In Red) – Verso 18.31 x 14.96 in Oil 2,500,000 GBP
(3,245,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 11-07-2007 Frühling (springtime) 27.95 x 31.50 in Oil 1,500,000 USD
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-03-2003 Sommer 27.76 x 31.50 in Oil 1,000,000 GBP
(1,298,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 05-06-2004 Knabe Am Sofa (boy On A Sofa) 27.52 x 30.98 in Oil 900,000 USD
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-05-2008 Zirkus Mit Dromedaren (circus With Dromedaries) 45.35 x 36.54 in Oil 900,000 GBP
(1,168,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 11-26-2013 Der Mühlengraben 31.73 x 39.84 in Oil 900,000 EUR
(981,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 11-12-2008 Die Quelle (the Source) 40.16 x 44.09 in Oil 800,000 GBP
(1,038,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-03-2015 Stilleben Mit Pfeife (stilL-Life With Pipe) - Recto Palau Mädchen (palau Girls) – Verso 27.95 x 31.89 in Oil 800,000 GBP
(1,038,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-03-2015 Stilleben Mit Pfeife (stilL-Life With Pipe) - Recto Palau Mädchen (palau Girls) – Verso 27.95 x 31.89 in Oil 800,000 GBP
(1,038,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-03-2015 Bildnis Charlotte Cuhrt (portrait Of Charlotte Cuhrt) 68.11 x 31.50 in Oil 800,000 GBP
(1,038,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-05-2008 Gartenrand (garden) 31.89 x 25.59 in Oil 700,000 GBP
(908,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-08-2005 Gartenrand 31.89 x 25.59 in Oil 700,000 GBP
(908,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-26-2008 Malven I (hollyhocks i) 47.24 x 35.43 in Oil 650,000 GBP
(843,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-18-2007 Das Rote Teeservice 31.73 x 27.76 in Oil 600,000 GBP
(778,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 11-07-2007 Herbstabend 31.75 x 39.50 in Oil 600,000 USD
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 11-29-2012 Sonnenuntergang An Der See 31.50 x 39.76 in Oil 600,000 EUR
(654,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-05-2013 Am Haff (in The Lagoon) 32.01 x 27.95 in Oil 600,000 GBP
(778,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-04-2003 Mannequins 78.70 x 32.50 in Oil 600,000 GBP
(778,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-20-2012 Abendwolken 31.50 x 39.45 in Oil 550,000 GBP
(713,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-20-2012 CallA-Stillebenᅠ Imᅠ Spiegelᅠ (stillᅠ Lifeᅠ Withᅠ Callaᅠ Liliesᅠ Inᅠ Theᅠ Mirror) 27.80 x 31.73 in Oil 500,000 GBP
(649,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-20-2012 CallA-Stillebenᅠ Imᅠ Spiegelᅠ (stillᅠ Lifeᅠ Withᅠ Callaᅠ Liliesᅠ Inᅠ Theᅠ Mirror) 27.80 x 31.73 in Oil 500,000 GBP
(649,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-23-2011 Rauchende (woman With A Cigarette) 31.77 x 39.57 in Oil 500,000 GBP
(649,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-23-2004 Junges Mädchen Mit Matrosenkleid. 1911. 39.17 x 30.12 in Oil 500,000 CHF
(559,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 12-01-2006 „badende Knaben In Der Brandung“. Um 1917 32.09 x 27.17 in Oil 500,000 EUR
(545,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-23-2003 Junges Mädchen In Matrosenkleid (young Girl In Sailor Suit) 39.17 x 30.12 in Oil 450,000 GBP
(584,100 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 02-03-2009 Gladiolen 46.46 x 35.43 in Oil 450,000 GBP
(584,100 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 12-05-2014 Sonnenkringel 32.09 x 27.76 in Oil 420,000 CHF
(469,560 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 06-24-2014 Kind Auf Dorfstrasse (child On A Village Street) 31.50 x 39.37 in Oil 400,000 GBP
(519,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein 11-03-2011 Certosa Bei Florenz (charterhouse Of Florence) 27.76 x 31.38 in Oil 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Hermann Max Pechstein Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Max Pechstein 11-24-2011 „sonniger Wintertag“ 27.95 x 31.89 in Oil 350,000 EUR
(381,500 USD)
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