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Art auction result for El Lissitzky

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Auctioned pieces | 170 results are found | Page 1 of 6 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 6

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 03-06-2019 SelF-Portrait (`the Constructor`) 9.61 x 10.98 in Gelatin Silver Print 1,200,000 GBP
(1,557,600 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 12-04-2004 Ohne Titel (proun) 14.49 x 10.63 in Oil 350,000 EUR
(381,500 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky Hammer prices and photo for El Lissitzky 06-27-2006 Proun 17.72 x 15.35 in Oil 280,000 GBP
(363,440 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 06-03-2005 „proun“. Um 1922 21.02 x 18.82 in Pencil 240,000 EUR
(261,600 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 12-06-2005 Proun Composition 21.34 x 21.65 in Oil 180,000 GBP
(233,640 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 06-20-2005 Aquarelle Préparatoire Pour La Construction N°119, 1924 10.63 x 8.07 in Watercolor 150,000 EUR
(163,500 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 02-03-2003 Die Plastische Gestaltung Der ElektrO-Mechanischen Schau Sieg Über Die Sonne (portfolio Of 10 W/title, Intro & Justif.) 208.66 x 174.41 in Color Lithograph 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 02-03-2003 I. Kestnermappe Proun (portfolio Of 6, Incl 2 W/collage, W/justif. & Title) 23.70 x 17.09 in Color Lithograph 120,000 GBP
(155,760 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 03-18-2004 Had Gadya 11.81 x 9.45 in Gouache 120,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky Hammer prices and photo for El Lissitzky 03-28-2008 Proun 19.88 x 15.94 in Oil 120,000 GBP
(155,760 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 04-29-2011 Beat The Whites With The Red Wedge 20.20 x 24.13 in Lithograph 120,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 10-02-2019 Footballer 5.47 x 4.49 in Gelatin Silver Print 120,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 06-07-2019 Plastische Gestaltung Der ElektrO-Mechanischen Schau «sieg Über Sonneâ» 21.46 x 18.50 in Lithograph 120,000 EUR
(130,800 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 09-30-2014 SelF-Portrait (the Constructor) 6.57 x 4.80 in Print 100,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 04-26-2012 Beatᅠ Theᅠ Whitesᅠ Withᅠ Theᅠ Redᅠ Wedge 20.24 x 24.29 in Lithograph 100,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 04-15-2008 Sichas Chulin (a Story In Yiddish By Moshe Broderson Based On A Sixteenth Century Jewish Legend From Prague), Moscow, Nashe Iskusstvo, Shamir 8.66 x 161.42 in Color Lithograph 90,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 11-26-2004 Ohne Titel 9.33 x 10.00 in Watercolor 80,000 EUR
(87,200 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky Hammer prices and photo for El Lissitzky 06-25-2008 Untitled 17.01 x 12.87 in Gouache 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 11-05-2013 Composition Suprématiste 13.78 x 9.84 in Watercolor 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 02-05-2004 Proun: Path Of Energy And Dynamic Flows 8.35 x 11.61 in Gouache 65,000 GBP
(84,370 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 10-14-2004 Mannequin 11.50 x 9.25 in Gelatin Silver Print 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky Hammer prices and photo for El Lissitzky 05-17-2012 Runner In The City 4.88 x 4.06 in Gelatin Silver Print 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 06-16-2011 Proun 15.28 x 11.65 in Gouache 60,000 CHF
(67,080 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 11-25-2005 Proun Nr. 17 8.27 x 10.63 in Watercolor 55,000 EUR
(59,950 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 02-10-2005 Chad Gadya (the Tale Of The Goat) 11.02 x 10.24 in Lithograph 50,000 GBP
(64,900 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 04-26-2007 Étude Pour Schwarz Proune 15.75 x 12.20 in Gouache 50,000 EUR
(54,500 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky Hammer prices and photo for El Lissitzky 09-22-2011 Untitled 6.50 x 5.71 in Watercolor 50,000 USD
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky Hammer prices and photo for El Lissitzky 06-25-2008 NoN-Objective Composition 7.64 x 12.17 in Watercolor 50,000 GBP
(64,900 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 09-22-2010 Projekt Für Ein Revolutionsplakat 9.45 x 12.87 in Mixed Media 50,000 CHF
(55,900 USD)
Hammer prices for El Lissitzky 12-07-2007 Abstraktion 18.90 x 13.39 in Watercolor 45,000 EUR
(49,050 USD)
1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>

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