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Art auction result for Jane Lee

1963 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 8 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Jane Lee 03-31-2018 In You, In me 86.61 x 128.54 x 9.06 in Acrylic 1,300,000 HKD
(1,686,100 USD)
Hammer prices for Jane Lee 05-26-2019 Melt ii 70.87 x 59.45 in Acrylic 480,000 HKD
(622,560 USD)
Hammer prices for Jane Lee 10-06-2020 Handkerchief White 60.24 x 33.46 x 5.31 in Mixed Media 350,000 HKD
(453,950 USD)
Hammer prices for Jane Lee 10-06-2014 Out Of The Box 70.87 x 70.87 in Mixed Media 300,000 HKD
(389,100 USD)
Hammer prices for Jane Lee 04-05-2015 Folded 62.20 x 36.61 in Acrylic 280,000 HKD
(363,160 USD)
Hammer prices for Jane Lee 05-31-2015 Fetish p8 39.37 x 39.37 in Acrylic 250,000 HKD
(324,250 USD)
Hammer prices for Jane Lee 04-05-2015 Without Canvas 41.73 x 41.73 x 2.36 in Mixed Media 150,000 HKD
(194,550 USD)
Hammer prices for Jane Lee 10-06-2020 Playing iv 81.69 x 15.16 x 1.97 in Print 150,000 HKD
(194,550 USD)

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