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Art auction result for Egon Schiele

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Auctioned pieces | 641 results are found | Page 12 of 22 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 15

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-29-2005 Seated Young Girl 18.11 x 11.65 in Pencil 70,000 EUR
(76,300 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-08-2006 Liegender Weiblicher Akt (reclining Female Nude 12.20 x 19.69 in Crayon 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-08-2006 Bildnis Dr. Hugo Koller (portrait Of Dr. Hugo Koller) 18.78 x 12.36 in Crayon 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 07-29-2020 Profilansicht Eines Stehenden Aktes (ohne Kopf) (standing Nude In Profile (without Head)) 18.31 x 11.61 in Crayon 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-06-2020 Vorstandskanzlei Der K. U. K. Konsumanstalt Wien 11.73 x 18.11 in Crayon 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-29-2005 Seated Nude Girl With Her Head Inclined Foreward 16.73 x 11.02 in Chalk 60,000 EUR
(65,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-29-2005 Das Graphische Werk Von Egon Schiele 28.74 x 21.06 in Lithograph 60,000 EUR
(65,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 05-06-2004 Stehende Frauenakt, Masturbierend (standing Nude Woman, Masturbating) 17.64 x 11.26 in Pencil 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 02-04-2004 Mann Und Frau Umarmend (man And Woman Embracing) 17.52 x 11.22 in Charcoal 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-12-2003 Kneeling Nude Girl 17.87 x 11.54 in Crayon 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-08-2007 Liegender Weiblicher Akt 11.77 x 18.11 in Crayon 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 03-27-2007 Das Graphische Werk Von Egon Schiele (kallir 3b, 4b, 5c, 6b, 7b, 8b, 16b And 17b) 28.62 x 20.94 in Drypoint 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-08-2007 Rotterdam, La Meuse 27.64 x 35.47 in Pen 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-05-2008 Studie Von Hugo Koller Im Sessel (study Of Hugo Koller In Armchair) 16.14 x 11.61 in Crayon 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-02-2012 Männlicher Akt Mit Nach Links Ausgestreckten Armen 12.24 x 11.77 in Pencil 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-07-2008 Mutter Und Kind 5.71 x 2.52 in Pencil 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 02-06-2014 Der Kahlenberg (kahlenberg) 14.76 x 21.65 in Watercolor 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-20-2013 Häuser In Krumau (houses In Krumau) 17.95 x 11.22 in Crayon 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-06-2013 Handstudie, Dr. Viktor Ritter Von Bauer 11.81 x 17.40 in Crayon 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 09-27-2012 Kopf Einer Rufenden Jungen Frau Mit Grossem Hut, Gesicht Auf Die Hände Gestützt 8.74 x 12.48 in Graphite 50,000 EUR
(54,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-04-2014 Garten Mit Baum 9.84 x 7.32 in Watercolor 50,000 GBP
(64,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 02-06-2014 Liegendes Kind (reclining Child) 17.76 x 11.50 in Pencil 45,000 GBP
(58,410 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-07-2013 Junge Frau Mit Hut (gertrude Schiele) 11.30 x 6.00 in Charcoal 45,000 GBP
(58,410 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-25-2008 Tree In Early Spring 12.40 x 12.40 in Pencil 45,000 EUR
(49,050 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-25-2008 Portrait Of A Seated Woman 17.40 x 12.72 in Pencil 45,000 EUR
(49,050 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-26-2009 Tree In Early Spring 12.40 x 12.40 in Pencil 45,000 EUR
(49,050 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-20-2007 Porträt Hugo Sonnenschein (portrait Of Hugo Sonnenschein) 16.61 x 11.02 in Crayon 45,000 GBP
(58,410 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-08-2006 Edith Schiele Mit Ihrem Hund Lord (edith Schiele With Her Dog Lord) 11.50 x 18.11 in Crayon 45,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-08-2006 Sitzende Frau Mit Hochgeschobenem Rock (seated Woman With Raised Skirt) 17.52 x 12.48 in Pencil 45,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 05-06-2004 Edith Schiele Mit Ihrem Hund Lord (edith Schiele With Her Dog Lord) 11.38 x 17.99 in Crayon 45,000 USD

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