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Art auction result for Egon Schiele

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Auctioned pieces | 641 results are found | Page 9 of 22 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 15

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 05-16-2018 Rückenakt Mit Orangefarbenen Strümpfen 18.15 x 11.61 in Crayon 180,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-21-2018 Female Nude Bending Down On Knees And Elbows 11.54 x 17.91 in Crayon 180,000 GBP
(233,640 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-06-2013 Serena Lederer 18.03 x 11.61 in Charcoal 160,000 GBP
(207,680 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-04-2008 Langhaariger Akt, Vornübergebeugt, Rückenansicht 11.42 x 18.03 in Charcoal 160,000 GBP
(207,680 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-26-2008 Sitzender Weiblicher Akt (seated Female Nude) 19.69 x 12.60 in Crayon 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-18-2007 Mädchenkopf (frau Sohn) 14.17 x 11.81 in Charcoal 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-08-2006 Stehender Weiblicher Rückenakt (standing Female Nude Seen From Behind) 18.23 x 11.73 in Gouache 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 02-06-2007 Sitzende Frau 17.64 x 11.46 in Pencil 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-07-2006 Sich Aufstützender Akt 12.72 x 18.98 in Pencil 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-30-2005 Bildniss (junger Mann, Kopf), Portrait (head Of A Young Man) 17.05 x 11.02 in Crayon 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 05-08-2013 Umarmende (embracing Couple) 18.62 x 11.81 in Crayon 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-07-2012 Ein Hauptmann Der K. U. K. Armee (a Captain Of The Imperial And Royal Army) 18.86 x 12.36 in Pencil 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-21-2012 Zwei Stehende Akte 19.09 x 11.65 in Pencil 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-20-2012 Liegende,ᅠ Denᅠ Kopfᅠ Nachᅠ Hintenᅠ Gebeugtᅠ Mitᅠ Geoeffneterᅠ Unterwaescheᅠ (recliningᅠ Womanᅠ Withᅠ Headᅠ B 11.77 x 18.31 in Crayon 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-21-2012 Liebespaar 18.90 x 12.48 in Pencil 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 02-09-2012 Kauernder Akt Mit Herabgebeugtem Kopf Und Überkreutzten Händen (bending Woman With Head Bowed And Crossed Hands) 18.11 x 11.61 in Charcoal 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 10-27-2010 Das Graphische Werk Von Egon Schiele. 28.35 x 20.67 in Lithograph 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-07-2009 Mutter Und Kind 11.75 x 14.60 in Crayon 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-05-2009 Sitzendes Kind 17.56 x 11.42 in Pencil 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 02-03-2009 Stadt An Einem Fluss 11.38 x 17.36 in Pencil 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-10-2011 Erhobene Rote Hand 17.80 x 12.50 in Watercolor 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-04-2010 Liegender Akt (reclining Nude) 17.72 x 11.50 in Charcoal 150,000 EUR
(163,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-30-2021 Halbbekleidetes Mädchen (girl, Partially Clothed) 18.90 x 12.44 in Pencil 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-12-2015 Sitzendes Mädchen 17.56 x 11.42 in Unknown 140,000 EUR
(152,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-25-2014 "duftige Landschaft" 12.60 x 17.64 in Charcoal 140,000 EUR
(152,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-07-2006 Lilly Steiner 17.09 x 11.65 in Chalk 140,000 GBP
(181,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 10-31-2013 Das Graphische Werk Von Egon Schiele (kallir 3-8, 16-17) 28.74 x 21.06 in Lithograph 125,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-07-2013 Masturbierende Frau Ohne Kopf 18.10 x 11.70 in Charcoal 120,000 GBP
(155,760 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 02-07-2013 Portrait Of August Lederer 18.20 x 11.30 in Charcoal 120,000 GBP
(155,760 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 02-05-2014 Weiblicher Rückenakt, Strümpfe Anziehend (female Nude Pulling Up Stockings, Back View) 17.87 x 12.01 in Crayon 120,000 GBP
(155,760 USD)
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