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Art auction result for Alexej Von Jawlensky

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Auctioned pieces | 474 results are found | Page 12 of 16 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 16

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 02-04-2009 Grosse Meditation 9.92 x 6.93 in Oil 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 02-03-2010 Grosse Meditation 9.80 x 7.50 in Oil 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-25-2008 Meditation 6.89 x 5.24 in Oil 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-27-2004 Meditation: Harmonie In Rot Und Blau 6.69 x 4.72 in Oil 30,000 EUR
(32,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-26-2004 Meditation 7.05 x 5.35 in Oil 30,000 EUR
(32,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-23-2004 Grosse Meditation: Herr! Befiehl! 9.76 x 7.87 in Oil 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-12-2004 Meditation 7.44 x 5.00 in Oil 30,000 EUR
(32,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-12-2004 Meditation 6.97 x 5.04 in Oil 30,000 EUR
(32,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-02-2006 Heilandsgesicht 4.53 x 3.74 in Watercolor 30,000 EUR
(32,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 02-04-2004 Meditation: Leidenschaft Und Erkenntnis (meditation: Passion And Knowledge) 7.48 x 4.84 in Oil 25,000 GBP
(32,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 02-04-2004 Meditationen: Gebet: Und Führe Mich Nicht In Versuchung (meditations: Prayer: And Lead Me Not Into Temptation) 7.36 x 4.92 in Oil 25,000 GBP
(32,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-20-2018 Weiblicher Kopf (female Head) 12.20 x 9.92 in Chalk 25,000 GBP
(32,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-04-2005 „meditation“. 1935 7.01 x 5.31 in Oil 24,000 EUR
(26,160 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 05-25-2013 Meditation 3.23 x 2.28 in Pen 20,000 EUR
(21,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-28-2014 Kleiner Kopf, 10. September 1922 7.40 x 4.72 in Watercolor 20,000 EUR
(21,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-04-2010 Kopf - Zweifelnd (head - Doubting) 12.20 x 9.21 in Lithograph 18,000 EUR
(19,620 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 02-05-2008 Frauenportrait 16.73 x 11.42 in Crayon 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-13-2021 Sitzender Akt Mit Gesicht Im Profil 16.93 x 12.20 in Pencil 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-04-2010 Kopf - Trauernd (head - Mourning) 10.87 x 7.44 in Lithograph 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 05-25-2013 Kleine Meereslandschaft 3.94 x 6.22 in Watercolor 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 05-25-2013 Orangefarbene Blumen In Blauer Vase 6.18 x 3.90 in Watercolor 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-26-2013 Wolken Über Meer 4.29 x 6.69 in Watercolor 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-02-2010 Stehender Weiblicher Akt 17.40 x 11.46 in Painting 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-08-2010 Köpfe Portfolio: Kopf V 12.00 x 8.00 in Color Lithograph 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-17-2008 Blumen In Vase, 1925 5.31 x 3.43 in Watercolor 12,000 CHF
(13,416 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-04-2010 Stilleben Mit 2 Figuren Und Weissem Reh 12.83 x 16.02 in Oil 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-29-2006 Stehende Mit Hand Am Kopf 19.41 x 12.20 in Chalk 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-24-2004 Stehende Mit Hand Am Kopf 19.29 x 12.09 in Charcoal 10,000 GBP
(12,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-02-2010 Liegender Weiblicher Akt 11.93 x 19.29 in Pencil 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-29-2013 Blick Aus Dem Fenster, Hotel Verenahof (baden/schweiz) 10.91 x 8.46 in Ink 9,000 EUR
(9,810 USD)

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