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Art auction result for Adolf Luther

1912 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 235 results are found | Page 6 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 05-31-2006 Spiegelobjekt. 1978. 14.57 x 14.57 x 2.95 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 06-02-2006 Lunare Struktur 29.72 x 43.50 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 12-02-2006 Untitled 34.45 x 103.15 x 6.50 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 12-02-2006 Three Piece Mirror Object 20.08 x 81.50 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 12-02-2006 Mirror Object 38.19 x 33.46 x 3.35 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 12-02-2006 Untitled 6.69 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 12-02-2006 Focussing Space 27.56 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 09-23-2006 Ohne Titel 16.14 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-30-2006 Untitled 17.32 x 12.01 x 1.50 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-30-2006 Untitled 10.83 x 11.02 x 2.76 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-30-2006 Untitled 10.16 x 9.96 x 2.95 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-30-2006 Spiegelobjekt 17.72 x 17.72 x 4.33 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 10-27-2007 Glasstreifenobjekt 51.18 x 50.98 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-29-2007 Ohne Titel 1968 9.45 x 10.04 x 1.38 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-30-2007 Untitled 4.92 x 13.94 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-30-2007 Energetische Plastik 63.78 x 20.47 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-30-2007 Mirror Object "interpretationsobjekt" 47.83 x 9.45 x 1.77 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-30-2007 Spherical Object 15.75 x 15.75 x 3.54 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 12-05-2007 Nach Einem Selbstportrait Von H. B. Grien (1504) - Basel. 17.72 x 14.17 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 11-29-2007 Virtuelles Bild 1967 24.02 x 24.02 x 3.94 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 11-29-2007 Ohne Titel (lichtschleuse) 1988 86.61 x 19.69 x 0.98 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 03-14-2008 Ohne Titel. (sphärisches HohlspiegeL- Bzw. Linsenobjekt). 1976 30.31 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 03-14-2008 Ohne Titel (neun Spiegelkugeln). 1977 16.14 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 11-26-2011 Linsenobjekt 14.69 x 14.76 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 10-29-2011 LineaR-Flächige Struktur 16.93 x 25.79 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 05-31-2011 Energetische Plastik 11.81 x 5.12 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 06-16-2012 Concave Mirror. 20.67 x 25.00 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 04-28-2012 Ohne Titel 11.14 x 22.91 x 3.23 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther Hammer prices and photo for Adolf Luther 04-28-2012 Ohne Titel 10.16 x 6.69 x 4.72 in
Hammer prices for Adolf Luther 06-07-2012 Ohne Titel 17.52 x 17.52 in
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