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Art auction result for Ferdinand Gehr

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Auctioned pieces | 225 results are found | Page 5 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 5

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 03-07-2008 Kleine Glasfensterstudie. 10.63 x 1.97 in Watercolor 1,500 CHF
(1,677 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 11-22-2004 Schneeglöcklein Und Primeln 19.29 x 25.20 in Color Woodcut 1,300 CHF
(1,453 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 06-13-2007 BlatT- Und Früchtemotiv 25.59 x 19.69 in Woodcut 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-13-2006 Maria Magdalena 25.59 x 19.88 in Color Woodcut 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-26-2014 Moses Vor Brennendem Dornbusch I 12.09 x 15.79 in Woodcut 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-26-2014 Schneeberge 12.60 x 12.17 in Woodcut 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-26-2014 Durchblick 13.78 x 13.58 in Woodcut 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-04-2012 Bauer Beim Mähen. Studie. Vorarbeit Zum Sgraffito Für Die Landi Goldach 23.62 x 14.57 in Charcoal 1,000 CHF
(1,118 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-13-2006 Blumen 6.81 x 9.37 in Color Woodcut 900 CHF
(1,006 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 12-11-2006 "christus Unter Den Menschen", 1974. 24.21 x 18.90 in Woodcut 800 CHF
(894 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 06-23-2004 Religiöses Motiv 12.20 x 11.81 in Woodcut 800 CHF
(894 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 06-23-2004 Religiöses Motiv 16.14 x 13.39 in Woodcut 800 CHF
(894 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 06-11-2008 Landschaft 20.16 x 25.79 in Woodcut 800 CHF
(894 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 03-23-2007 Betender, Heiliger Nikolaus, 1957. 17.32 x 11.81 in Coal 750 CHF
(838 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 03-21-2005 Verklärter Christus 6.30 x 6.69 in Color Woodcut 700 CHF
(782 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 09-11-2013 Dahlien 23.82 x 18.90 in Woodcut 700 CHF
(782 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 12-10-2007 Stehender Christus. 27.56 x 8.86 in Unknown 670 EUR
(730 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 09-11-2007 Ferdinand Gehr – Eine Monographie 9.06 x 68.90 in Unknown 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 03-28-2008 Maria Magdalena 25.59 x 19.88 in Woodcut 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 03-28-2008 Dahlien 25.00 x 19.09 in Woodcut 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 06-15-2009 Heiligenfigur 16.26 x 13.46 in Woodcut 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 03-23-2007 «verbum Caro Factum Est» – «fiat Mihi» – Kompositon. 6.18 x 4.41 in Woodcut 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 06-13-2007 Maria Magdalena 25.59 x 19.88 in Woodcut 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 12-13-2010 Antlitz Christi 7.20 x 7.20 in Woodcut 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 12-13-2010 Antlitz Christi 7.20 x 7.20 in Unknown 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 12-11-2009 Komposition 5.51 x 5.51 in Pastel 500 CHF
(559 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Moses Vor Brennendem Dornbusch I 12.20 x 15.94 in Watercolor 500 CHF
(559 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Einsam 17.91 x 17.83 in Watercolor 500 CHF
(559 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Schneeberge 13.27 x 12.40 in Woodcut 500 CHF
(559 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Schneeglöckchen Und Primeln 27.56 x 19.69 in Woodcut 500 CHF
(559 USD)
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