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Art auction result for Richard Earlom

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Auctioned pieces | 282 results are found | Page 2 of 10 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 2

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 09-14-2010 A Blacksmith's Shop 23.94 x 17.05 in Mezzotint 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 02-25-2009 An Iron Forge 20.28 x 24.88 in Mezzotint 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 02-25-2009 The Larder; The Fruit Market And The Vegetable Market 20.28 x 26.26 in Mezzotint 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 09-16-2009 Liber Veritatis, Vol. ii 7.28 x 10.24 in Mezzotint 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 03-14-2012 Unknown 21.65 x 16.54 in Mezzotint 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 03-12-2008 A BreW-House Yard 19.49 x 22.99 in Mezzotint 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 04-19-2007 A Blacksmith’s Shop 23.82 x 17.13 in Mezzotint 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 10-13-2004 A Fruit Market; A Herb Market, 16.34 x 22.44 in Mezzotint 1,200 CAD
(879 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 03-12-2008 Lioness And Whelp's. The Young Were Welp'd In The Tower Of London In The Year 1792 20.00 x 25.04 in Mezzotint 1,000 GBP
(1,298 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 09-16-2009 Tulips 18.90 x 13.98 in Mezzotint 900 GBP
(1,168 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 09-16-2009 A Flower Piece 24.49 x 19.25 in Mezzotint 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 02-25-2009 Agrippina 22.48 x 30.20 in Mezzotint 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 02-25-2009 A Flower Piece 23.23 x 17.52 in Mezzotint 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 04-17-2008 The Right Honourable Lord Nelson K.b. 1798 139.37 x 196.85 in Unknown 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 09-24-2008 Tiger Hunting In The East Indies 19.76 x 26.30 in Unknown 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 04-19-2007 An Iron Forge 18.90 x 23.43 in Mezzotint 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 02-25-2007 Mary Magdalen Washing Christ's Feet And Bacchanalians (both After Rubens) Published By John Boydell 18.50 x 22.75 in Mezzotint 700 USD
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 03-12-2008 The Lion And Boar 16.54 x 20.00 in Mezzotint 700 GBP
(908 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 03-12-2008 Mr King And Mrs Baddeley In The Characters Of Lord Ogleby, And Miss Fanny Sterling 18.31 x 22.01 in Mezzotint 700 GBP
(908 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 10-13-2004 A Flower Piece, 22.01 x 16.50 in Mezzotint 700 CAD
(513 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 04-24-2004 14 Bll. 16.93 x 11.42 in Etching 700 EUR
(763 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 11-24-2004 Ruben`s Son And Nurse 19.29 x 23.43 in Mezzotint 700 EUR
(763 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 09-16-2009 Apollo And The Nymphs; And Meleager And Atalanta 18.62 x 22.36 in Mezzotint 700 GBP
(908 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 12-07-2011 An Iron Forge 19.37 x 24.02 in Mezzotint 700 GBP
(908 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 03-18-2013 Still Life Of Flowers And Fruits 21.65 x 16.46 in Unknown 700 CHF
(782 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 09-14-2010 An Iron Forge 18.70 x 23.50 in Mezzotint 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 05-03-2008 The Royal Academy Of Arts, 1768 24.00 x 32.00 in Mezzotint 600 USD
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 11-18-2004 A Flower Piece 19.88 x 15.35 in Mezzotint 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom 04-21-2004 Marriage A La Mode Mezzotints 18.90 x 24.41 in Engraving 600 USD
Hammer prices for Richard Earlom Hammer prices and photo for Richard Earlom 03-12-2008 The Honourable Mrs Aldworth, Wearing Masonic Emblems, Resting Finger Of Left Hand On An Open Bible 16.60 x 12.80 in Mezzotint 600 GBP
(778 USD)
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