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Art auction result for Matthew Barney

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Auctioned pieces | 259 results are found | Page 9 of 9 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 07-16-2013 Nisshin Maru: One Print 12.01 x 12.01 in Photogravure 600 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 10-21-2004 Cremaster 5 32.95 x 23.23 in Offset 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 10-12-2007 Cremaster 5 33.00 x 23.00 in Silkscreen 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 09-27-2006 Cremaster 5 33.07 x 11.50 in Lithograph 400 GBP
(519 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 12-10-2003 Untitled 15.51 x 23.11 in Photoengraving 400 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 03-14-2009 Cremaster 3: Mahalym (from Cremaster Cycle), 1994-2002 30.00 x 19.76 in Offset 300 GBP
(389 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 10-20-2008 Cremaster, 1999 9.45 x 11.42 in Unknown 120 EUR
(130 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 12-05-2008 Cremaster 5 33.07 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 12-05-2008 Cremaster 5 33.07 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 02-13-2007 'cremaster' 33.07 x 23.43 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 12-03-2002 Cremaster 5 33.00 x 23.30 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 10-29-2004 Aus: Cremaster Cycle 29.80 x 19.57 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 10-23-2004 Cremaster 33.07 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 12-05-2009 Drawing Restraint 9 28.19 x 19.80 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 04-21-2009 Crewmaster 9.61 x 7.20 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 05-24-2012 Cremaster 5 32.87 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 09-28-2013 Drawing Restraint 7 8.98 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 03-26-2015 Drawing Restraint - Iv (general Macarthur) 12.56 x 10.43 in
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-02-2019 Drawing Restraint - Volume iv 12.56 x 10.43 in
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