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Art auction result for Edgar Degas

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Auctioned pieces | 1,070 results are found | Page 36 of 36 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 25

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 06-17-2010 Au Salon 6.30 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 06-17-2010 Repos Sur Le Lit 6.38 x 4.69 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 06-17-2010 Femme Au Chapeau 3.35 x 2.76 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 06-17-2010 Le Sportsman Montant À Cheval 3.27 x 2.91 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas 04-11-2014 Horse Studies 12.91 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 06-19-2014 Sur La Scène 3.94 x 5.00 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 05-14-2014 Mary Cassatt 12.01 x 4.96 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas 10-18-2014 Tänzerin 17.72 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 11-04-2014 Danseuses Et Contrebasse 9.13 x 6.69 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 12-03-2014 Horse Studies 12.91 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 12-03-2014 Au Louvre, Musee Des Antiques 11.00 x 9.00 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas 04-30-2015 Unknown 31.50 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 05-13-2021 Etude D'homme nu 17.32 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 06-18-2020 Femme Nue De Dos (adhemar & Cachin 143) 7.28 x 4.92 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 10-30-2020 Chevaux Dans La Prairie (horses In The Meadow) 4.13 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 11-10-2021 Préparation Pour Une Pirouette 9.61 x 12.32 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 11-10-2021 Etude Pour Un Portrait De Femme 9.25 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 12-09-2021 Mary Cassatt At The Louvre 12.76 x 7.20 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas Hammer prices and photo for Edgar Degas 12-09-2021 Les Marlous 8.19 x 10.98 in
Hammer prices for Edgar Degas 03-01-2018 Le Discobole (recto); Etude Pour ´le Discobole´ (verso) 14.96 x 10.31 in

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