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Art auction result for John Schwatschke

1943 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 78 results are found | Page 3 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 3

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 04-13-2010 A Walk In Stephen's Green 17.91 x 13.98 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 04-26-2010 Interval In Business 16.14 x 13.98 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 06-22-2010 The Audition 23.62 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 03-06-2011 Primed Ministers 36.00 x 30.00 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 03-06-2011 Discussions, Autumn '99 36.00 x 30.00 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 07-12-2011 The Quick Bid 19.69 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 11-20-2012 The Waiting Room 18.90 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 09-24-2012 'chance Meeting' 24.02 x 29.92 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 11-19-2012 D-Day 24.02 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 11-19-2012 A Certain Doubt 24.02 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 11-19-2012 The Light At The End Of The Tunnel 20.08 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 09-29-2009 A Note Of Warning 30.00 x 30.00 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 10-13-2008 Next Please 23.50 x 19.49 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 04-03-2007 A Marriage Made In Cavan 19.29 x 29.33 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke 04-03-2007 Wound up 23.62 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 04-07-2008 Coping With Anxiety 20.00 x 48.00 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke Hammer prices and photo for John Schwatschke 04-08-2008 The Nuclear Family 19.69 x 15.55 in
Hammer prices for John Schwatschke 06-11-2006 The Four Leaf Clover 14.17 x 18.11 in
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