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Art auction result for Franz Innocenz Kobell

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Auctioned pieces | 221 results are found | Page 1 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 12-04-2008 Ideale Landschaft Bei Aufziehendem Gewitter. 14.17 x 20.87 in Pen 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 01-21-2014 Landskap 5.31 x 8.15 in Ink 4,000 SEK
(380 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 08-19-2014 Landskap (6) Stycken 6.10 x 6.89 in Unknown 4,000 SEK
(380 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-28-2008 Grünwald. 6.89 x 8.46 in Sepia 2,800 EUR
(3,052 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-28-2008 Das Geisterschlössl. 7.09 x 8.66 in Sepia 2,800 EUR
(3,052 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-19-2004 Wooded Landscapes 8.27 x 0 in Brush 1,800 EUR
(1,962 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-19-2004 Landscapes 8.39 x 0 in Brush 1,800 EUR
(1,962 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-19-2004 Landscapes, Including Wooded Scenes And Waterfalls 8.27 x 0 in Brush 1,800 EUR
(1,962 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 01-22-2004 Landscape With Two Travelers By A Stream. 7.36 x 10.94 in Ink 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 01-22-2004 A Morning Landscape With A Huntsman And His Dog. 15.63 x 18.70 in Pen 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-26-2014 FlusS- Und Felslandschaften Mit Ruinen, Kastellen Und Dörfern 4.41 x 6.30 in Ink 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 11-18-2012 Anwesen Am Isarhochufer In Der Münchener au 6.69 x 8.46 in Brush 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-26-2014 Uferlandschaft Mit Ruine - Gebirgslandschaft Mit Verfallenem Kastell - Felslandschaften 4.45 x 6.42 in Ink 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 01-24-2005 Landscape With A River And Resting Figures 6.54 x 7.99 in Pen 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 01-24-2005 Landscape With Two Travelers By A Stream 7.36 x 10.94 in Brush 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 01-25-2006 Landscape With A Huntsman And His Dog 15.55 x 18.82 in Pen 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-19-2004 Mountainous Landscape With Bathers Near A Pool 7.87 x 0 in Pen 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 10-27-2008 Classical Landscape With A Pyramid 4.96 x 7.09 in Pen 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-26-2014 Felsenlandschaft Mit Kastellruine - Nächtliche Uferlandschaft 6.50 x 7.87 in Ink 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-26-2014 Antikische Landschaft Mit Pyramide - Baumlandschaft Mit Liebespaar 7.52 x 10.67 in Ink 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-05-2009 A Classical Landscape With A Pyramid 4.96 x 7.09 in Pen 900 EUR
(981 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-19-2009 Lisière De Forêt 7.09 x 11.22 in Painting 900 EUR
(981 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-26-2014 Felsenlandschaft Mit Grabmal - Ziegenhirte In Felsiger Flusslandschaft 5.16 x 8.11 in Ink 850 EUR
(926 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-26-2014 BauM- Und Felslandschaften - Weite Südliche Landschaften Mit Kastellen 7.68 x 9.69 in Ink 850 EUR
(926 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-26-2014 Felslandschaften - Antikische Landschaften 11.73 x 13.27 in Ink 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 03-24-2010 Ruines Dans Un Paysage De Littoral 6.61 x 8.86 in Pen 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-19-2004 Two Landscape Drawings 8.31 x 0 in Brush 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-19-2004 Landscapes: Two 3.50 x 4.13 in Pen 800 USD
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell 04-25-2007 A Traveller On A Path Through A Rocky Gorge; And Shepherds And Their Flock On A Path By A Lake 9.37 x 12.24 in Chalk 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Franz Innocenz Kobell Hammer prices and photo for Franz Innocenz Kobell 05-15-2015 Riverscape 8.07 x 13.19 in Ink 800 EUR
(872 USD)
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