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Art auction result for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To)

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Auctioned pieces | 12 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 03-09-2006 Nature Morte De Fruits Sur Un Entablement. 23.23 x 36.22 in
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 11-13-2007 Dindon, Paon, Canard, Oiseaux Et Petits Animaux Au Bord De L'eau 58.66 x 90.75 in
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) Hammer prices and photo for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 11-21-2008 Large Kitchen Still Life. 59.06 x 70.08 in
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 03-30-2011 La Préparation Du Repas 44.49 x 60.24 in Canvas 20,000 EUR
(21,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) Hammer prices and photo for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 06-27-2008 La Marchande De Légumes 49.21 x 72.44 in Canvas 30,000 EUR
(32,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) Hammer prices and photo for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 09-19-2008 Lavish Still Life With Fruits And Vegetables 23.03 x 40.35 in Oil 30,000 CHF
(33,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 10-05-2005 Still Life With A Swordfish, Vegetables, Mushrooms, And Shot Wildfowl 28.15 x 38.19 in Oil 15,000 EUR
(16,350 USD)
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 06-15-2004 Nature Morte Au Panier De Fruits Et Artichauts, Près D`un Plat De Fruit Sur Un Entablement 25.98 x 19.88 in Oil 30,000 EUR
(32,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 03-23-2012 Unknown 33.46 x 48.43 in Oil 60,000 EUR
(65,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 05-12-2004 Natura Morta Con Cavolfiore 27.95 x 38.58 in Oil 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) Hammer prices and photo for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 05-28-2009 Stilleben Med Bär Och Frukt 26.77 x 30.51 in Oil 40,000 SEK
(3,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) Hammer prices and photo for Adriaen Van Utrecht (attributed To) 05-13-2007 Untitle 53.94 x 53.94 in Unknown 50,000 EUR
(54,500 USD)

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