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Art auction result for French School

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Auctioned pieces | 290 results are found | Page 1 of 10 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for French School 06-11-2004 Die Toilette Der Venus 6.10 x 12.13 in
Hammer prices for French School 05-22-2004 Figurenstudie Zu Einer Kreuzabnahme 6.22 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for French School 05-22-2004 Der Triumph Der Galateia 6.02 x 8.39 in
Hammer prices for French School 06-16-2004 Portrait De Jeune Fille 7.40 x 5.71 in
Hammer prices for French School 06-08-2004 Marie Madeleine En Prière 9.06 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for French School 06-29-2004 Lucrèce 35.43 x 27.76 in
Hammer prices for French School 03-14-2004 Portrait De Jeune Femme De Trois Quarts 9.21 x 6.46 in
Hammer prices for French School 11-07-2004 Tête D`homme Barbu 11.50 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for French School 11-19-2004 L`annonciation 8.46 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for French School 11-19-2004 Le Christ Portant Sa Croix 9.25 x 7.28 in
Hammer prices for French School 11-19-2004 Portrait D`homme En Armure 54.53 x 41.14 in
Hammer prices for French School 12-10-2004 Nymphes Et Satyres Entourés D'amours 8.74 x 14.06 in
Hammer prices for French School 12-10-2004 Saint Lisant 8.23 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for French School 12-10-2004 Un Saint En Prière (rectO-Verso) 5.91 x 3.82 in
Hammer prices for French School 12-10-2004 Etude De Personnages 10.83 x 16.73 in
Hammer prices for French School 12-10-2004 Attributs Militaires D'après Des Éléments De La Base De La Colonne Trajane 7.68 x 10.12 in
Hammer prices for French School 12-19-2004 Gentilhomme A La Tabatiere 25.59 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for French School 12-12-2004 Le Christ 12.60 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for French School 01-17-2005 Allégorie Sur Fond De Paysage Italianisant 38.98 x 64.57 in
Hammer prices for French School 01-16-2005 Le Montreur D'ours 8.86 x 10.83 in
Hammer prices for French School 02-26-2005 Satyre Surprenant L'enlèvement D'une Naïade Par Le Dieu Fleuve" 31.89 x 26.38 in
Hammer prices for French School 02-27-2005 Les Noces De Cana 25.59 x 31.89 in
Hammer prices for French School 03-13-2005 Portrait De Philippe Clerc 38.58 x 31.89 in
Hammer prices for French School 03-13-2005 Portrait De Guillaume Gauchat, Curé De Louhans 38.58 x 31.89 in
Hammer prices for French School 03-13-2005 Marie Madeleine 34.65 x 25.98 in
Hammer prices for French School 03-16-2005 Louis Xiv Prenant Le Gouvernement De L'état 14.76 x 20.87 in
Hammer prices for French School 03-19-2005 Portrait D'écclésiastique 28.74 x 24.61 in
Hammer prices for French School 03-19-2005 La Mort De Socrate 41.34 x 51.18 in
Hammer prices for French School 03-19-2005 Maternité 31.50 x 25.20 in
Hammer prices for French School 02-13-2005 Le Massacre Des Innocents 9.80 x 22.52 in
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