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Art auction result for Max Streckenbach

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Auctioned pieces | 37 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 20

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 12-10-2004 Gefüllter Mohn 17.91 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 10-29-2005 Blumenstilleben 12.60 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 03-10-2007 "sonnenblumen Im Oval" 24.61 x 17.91 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 03-02-2007 Malvenblüten. 10.63 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 03-30-2007 Tulpen 17.13 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 06-16-2006 Kämpfende Elche 9.45 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 11-18-2006 Vase Mit Rotem Mohn Und Blauem Rittersporn 27.56 x 22.83 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 02-10-2008 A Still Life With Poppies 22.50 x 29.62 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 03-15-2008 Tulipany 24.61 x 20.59 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 04-10-2008 Klatschmohn In Vase. 27.56 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 03-14-2009 Blumenstilleben 18.11 x 14.17 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 06-15-2009 Björkar 9.45 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 06-29-2009 Still Life With Flowers In A Pitcher 23.62 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 06-18-2009 Stilleben Mit Weinrebe Und Pfirsichen 8.07 x 15.94 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 10-25-2008 Stilleben Mit Mohn Und Rittersporn 21.65 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 06-30-2010 Klatschmohn Und Schneebälle In Einer Vase 21.65 x 26.38 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 10-08-2011 "blumenstilleben", Üppiges Bukett In Einer Balustervase 22.64 x 18.70 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 12-01-2011 Stillleben Mit Klatschmohn Und SchneebalL-Blumen 21.46 x 26.18 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 04-11-2014 Still Life Poppies & Guelder Rose 26.38 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 10-25-2014 Mohnblumen 24.41 x 29.53 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 01-28-2018 Poppy Still Life Painting 26.00 x 33.00 in
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 09-24-2008 Still Life Of Flowers 17.91 x 22.44 in Oil 2,000 AUD
(1,356 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 06-18-2004 Stillleben Mit Mohnblumen. 28.35 x 23.62 in Oil 3,000 CHF
(3,354 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 05-11-2012 Pansies 12.01 x 15.94 in Oil 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 11-05-2009 Corn Poppies And Guelder Roses In A Vase 27.56 x 33.46 in Oil 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 06-09-2011 Poppies And Guelder Roses 21.65 x 26.38 in Oil 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 09-08-2008 "peintre De Fleurers Et De Fruits" 11.42 x 15.35 in Oil 805 EUR
(877 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 05-27-2005 Stilleben Med Blommor I Vas 20.87 x 27.56 in Oil 18,000 SEK
(1,710 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach 12-01-2005 Stilleben Med Melon Och Vindruvor 17.72 x 29.53 in Oil 20,000 SEK
(1,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Streckenbach Hammer prices and photo for Max Streckenbach 11-12-2006 Peintre De Fleurers Et De Fruits 11.42 x 15.35 in Oil 8,000 SEK
(760 USD)
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