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Art auction result for Reinier Willebrand Snapper

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Auctioned pieces | 7 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Reinier Willebrand Snapper Hammer prices and photo for Reinier Willebrand Snapper 05-14-2006 Nvv 32.48 x 45.67 in
Hammer prices for Reinier Willebrand Snapper Hammer prices and photo for Reinier Willebrand Snapper 04-15-2011 De Morspoort Te Leiden 15.35 x 19.29 in
Hammer prices for Reinier Willebrand Snapper 10-06-2004 Dorpskerk 23.62 x 19.29 in Watercolor 100 EUR
(109 USD)
Hammer prices for Reinier Willebrand Snapper 01-11-2009 Unkown 35.50 x 14.50 in Watercolor 300 USD
Hammer prices for Reinier Willebrand Snapper 05-25-2007 Streetview 18.70 x 22.83 in Woodcut 70 EUR
(76 USD)
Hammer prices for Reinier Willebrand Snapper 05-25-2007 "werfje Den Helder". 9.72 x 14.96 in Woodcut 70 EUR
(76 USD)
Hammer prices for Reinier Willebrand Snapper 11-29-2011 Chamber Concert 9.57 x 12.01 in Woodcut 80 EUR
(87 USD)

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