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Art auction result for Rudolf Poeschmann

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Auctioned pieces | 54 results are found | Page 2 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 2

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 12-07-2013 Ansicht Von Feste Zons Am Rhein Im Frühling 14.96 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 06-22-2013 Herbstlicher Blick Auf Schloss Moritzburg 11.42 x 14.76 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 06-22-2013 Lückendorf Im Winter 16.14 x 21.26 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 06-22-2013 Kirche In Stollberg Im Herbst 17.72 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 09-13-2014 Fränkischer Bauer 22.32 x 19.09 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 12-06-2014 Kirchgang 42.13 x 36.81 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 12-06-2014 Dresden 16.93 x 24.41 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 03-05-2015 Bergeinsamkeit Am Wolfgangsee 31.89 x 35.04 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 04-18-2015 Osterzgebirgslandschaft Mit Blick Nach Altenberg. 23.82 x 31.69 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 04-18-2015 Unknown 22.05 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 11-26-2004 Altmarkt Plauen Iv Mit Figurenstaffage Im Winter 23.62 x 30.31 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 03-04-2005 Schlosshof In Runkel A/ Lahn 20.47 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 11-25-2005 Blick Vom Fluss Mit Lastkähnen Auf Die Stadt Mit Kirche 14.76 x 19.92 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 11-25-2005 Blick Auf Die Albrechtsburg U. Die Altstadt Mit Dem Turm Der Marienkirche 15.55 x 20.87 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 05-22-2009 Sommerliche Tegernseeansicht 14.06 x 19.29 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 06-13-2009 Waldschänke Kl. Raupennest 27.56 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 08-28-2009 Untitled 30.71 x 24.41 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 12-16-2005 Mittelgebirgslandschaft 24.02 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 02-24-2006 Abend In Rothenburg 16.14 x 21.26 in
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 12-13-2009 Sailing Boats On The Elbe 23.82 x 31.50 in Oil 8,000 CZK
(344 USD)
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 10-08-2008 Dresden - Palaisgarten 23.62 x 31.50 in Oil 2,200 EUR
(2,398 USD)
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 11-16-2005 "vor Dem Gasthaus Zum Storchen" 27.17 x 21.65 in Painting 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann 03-29-2006 Vor Dem Gasthaus Zum Störchen 27.17 x 21.65 in Painting 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Rudolf Poeschmann Hammer prices and photo for Rudolf Poeschmann 10-08-2008 Petersfriedhof In Salzburg 20.87 x 15.55 in Watercolor 650 EUR
(708 USD)
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