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Art auction result for Jane E. Goldman

1951 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 7 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 5

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Jane E. Goldman Hammer prices and photo for Jane E. Goldman 10-18-2014 Underwater 38.50 x 27.00 in
Hammer prices for Jane E. Goldman Hammer prices and photo for Jane E. Goldman 10-18-2014 Orchid With Star Map #1 22.50 x 30.20 in
Hammer prices for Jane E. Goldman Hammer prices and photo for Jane E. Goldman 10-18-2014 Sumac On Glass 29.50 x 25.50 in
Hammer prices for Jane E. Goldman 03-04-2005 Lot Of Two Constellations: Ego/libra 10.00 x 22.00 in Aquatint 500 USD
Hammer prices for Jane E. Goldman 09-10-2006 Porch Reflections 16.00 x 20.00 in Color Lithograph 60 USD
Hammer prices for Jane E. Goldman 06-11-2005 Norris Ct #4 20.00 x 26.00 in Intaglio 250 USD
Hammer prices for Jane E. Goldman Hammer prices and photo for Jane E. Goldman 03-03-2006 Mb Cleaning Cherries, I 22.44 x 29.92 in Watercolor 1,500 USD

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