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Art auction result for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh

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Auctioned pieces | 12 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 05-27-2005 Aus Einer BadeN-Württembergischen Privatsammlung Holländische Kanallandschaft Mit Boot. 12.99 x 16.81 in
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh Hammer prices and photo for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 05-18-2011 Paard En Wagen Op Landweg Bij Een Boerderij 3.94 x 5.31 in
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh Hammer prices and photo for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 11-16-2012 Mountainous River Landscape With Castles 27.56 x 34.45 in Oil 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh Hammer prices and photo for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 05-11-2012 Ice Skaters On A Frozen River, Most Likely Near Rotterdam 25.59 x 29.92 in Oil 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh Hammer prices and photo for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 05-07-2012 Bedrijvigheid Op Het Ijs Bij De Molen 24.84 x 30.20 in Oil 15,000 EUR
(16,350 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh Hammer prices and photo for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 05-16-2014 Mountainscape Along River 22.83 x 29.72 in Oil 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh Hammer prices and photo for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 10-13-2008 Herder Met Schapen Bij Classicistische Ruïnes Op De Eltenberg 25.59 x 31.89 in Oil 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh Hammer prices and photo for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 05-07-2013 Shepherds Watering Their Cattle Near The Ruins Of The St. Vitus Convent On The Elterberg 25.75 x 31.46 in Oil 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 11-15-2013 Bergige Flusslandschaft Mit Burgen 27.56 x 34.45 in Oil 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 05-13-2014 A Winter Landscape With Skaters On A Frozen Lake Near A Castle 19.49 x 25.00 in Oil 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh Hammer prices and photo for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 11-18-2008 A Crowded Day On The Ice 20.47 x 26.18 in Oil 9,000 EUR
(9,810 USD)
Hammer prices for Cornelis Gerrit Verburgh 03-27-2007 A Herdsman With His Cattle In A Mountainous Landscape 8.66 x 11.02 in Watercolor 200 EUR
(218 USD)

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