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Art auction result for Emil Bizer

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Auctioned pieces | 72 results are found | Page 1 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 15

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer 10-28-2006 Vor Schneebedeckter Gebirgskulisse Kahler Baum Mit Weit Gefächerten Ästen 9.45 x 12.80 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 05-21-2007 Taubenhaus 9.84 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer 05-10-2007 Landschaftsdarstellungen Mit Kirche Bzw 2.76 x 6.30 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 05-10-2007 Stadtansicht Mit Kirche Hinter Villen Am Schlossplatz In Badenweiler. 18.11 x 23.82 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2007 Markgräfler Landschaft Mit Dem Blauen Im Hintergrund 23.62 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2007 Schwarzwaldlandschaft, Wohl Mit Der Mühle In Schweighof 9.84 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2007 Skizzenhafte Schwarzwaldlandschaft Mit Von Schlanken Hohen Bäumen Flankiertem Weg. 11.22 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2007 Dorfstraße Im Markgräflerland 15.94 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2007 Bahnübergang Mit Herunterfahrenden Bahnschranken Und Kleinem Häuschen In Winterlich Weiß Gefärbter Landschaft. 20.08 x 27.17 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2007 Vögisheim Beim Feldberg. Idyllische Sommerliche Dorfszene Mit Blick Auf Südseite Der Kirche. 16.14 x 20.47 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2008 Abstrakte Landschaft 16.93 x 28.15 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2008 Am Kaiserstuhl 23.03 x 26.18 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2008 Blick Aus Dem Badenwäldele Auf Niederweiler 21.65 x 35.43 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2008 Landschaft Bei Müllheim 13.98 x 19.29 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2008 Landschaft Bei Müllheim 11.42 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer 11-29-2008 Blick Aus Einer Engen Gasse Auf Eine Kirche Im Markgräflerland 7.68 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 04-04-2009 Herbstliche Landschaft Bei Hügelheim 3.94 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 05-14-2009 Ansicht Eines Dorfes Im Markgräflerland 4.13 x 8.07 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 05-14-2009 Landschaft Im Markgräflerland 8.27 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 05-14-2009 Winter 5.71 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-20-2009 Rebbergstudie 11.42 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-20-2009 Frühling Im Markgräflerland 23.62 x 31.89 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 10-10-2009 Bernauerweg Vom Dorf Bei Den Goldbachhöfen 10.24 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-04-2011 Two Landscapes 4.13 x 4.33 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-04-2011 Landscape Near Badenweiler. 15.94 x 25.79 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 «rebberg» And «rheinweiler». 18.50 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 Still Life With Summer Flowers. 39.37 x 26.97 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 Four Seasons. 12.99 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 Hay Harvest In Markgräflerland. 31.50 x 47.24 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 View Across Oberweiler. 28.15 x 31.69 in
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