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Art auction result for Antoine Louis Barye

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Auctioned pieces | 1,060 results are found | Page 4 of 36 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 37

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 11-11-2007 Le Kevel 4.13 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 11-11-2007 Cerf Debout 11.22 x 12.40 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 11-11-2007 Panthère Saisissant Un Cerf 11.42 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 11-04-2007 Striding Lioness 16.00 x 4.00 x 8.00 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 12-12-2007 Tigre Surprenant Une Antilope 13.78 x 20.87 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 03-27-2008 Le Faisan 5.12 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 03-16-2008 Éléphant D’afrique 5.12 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 04-03-2008 A Bear 6.89 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 04-03-2008 A Hound 6.30 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 04-15-2008 Famille De Cerf Ou Cerf, Biche Et Faon 8.82 x 9.61 x 5.20 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 05-15-2008 Jaguar Dévorant Un Cerf 18.90 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 05-18-2008 Tigre Marchant 8.46 x 16.73 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 05-18-2008 Biche Couchée 3.54 x 6.10 x 2.40 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 05-08-2008 Deer In A Landscape 7.76 x 12.52 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-29-2008 Le Cavalier Tartare 14.37 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 04-21-2008 Etude De Tigre 42.13 x 73.23 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 09-06-2008 Unknown 7.87 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 09-18-2008 Leżący Lew 11.10 x 6.30 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 10-16-2008 Chien À L´arrêt. 4.72 x 7.09 x 3.86 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 10-25-2008 Tierkampfgruppe 11.00 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 10-28-2008 Model Of Theseus And The Minotaur 13.58 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 12-13-2008 Lievre Oreilles Dressees 3.15 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 12-13-2008 Lievre Effraye 2.17 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-08-2009 Éléphant De Cochinchine 5.75 x 9.69 x 3.50 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-08-2009 Cheval Surpris Par Un Tigre 9.41 x 14.57 x 5.83 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 03-22-2009 Lion Assis 10.63 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 03-22-2009 Elephant Du Senegal Courant 7.48 x 5.31 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 03-09-2009 Panthère D'inde 5.51 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 04-20-2009 Chien De Chasse (epagneul) 4.13 x 6.89 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 05-18-2009 Lionne Au Lièvre. 10.83 x 26.77 in
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