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Art auction result for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz

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Auctioned pieces | 2,600 results are found | Page 42 of 87 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 67

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Kleiner Männerkopf Ohne Hände (small Male Head Without Hands) 2.80 x 2.64 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Deutschlands Kinder Hungern! (germany’s Children Are Starving!) 15.94 x 10.83 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Nie Wieder Krieg! (never Again War!) 37.01 x 26.97 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Verbrüderung (fraternisation) 9.25 x 6.85 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Mutter Mit Kind (mother With Child) 5.79 x 5.00 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Gefangene Musik Hörend (prisoners, Listening To Music). 13.15 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Nachdenkende Frau (pondering Woman) 21.26 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Mutterglück (joy Of Maternity) 8.86 x 12.40 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 06-04-2011 Mütter Gebt Von Eurem Überfluß! (mothers, Give From Your Plenty!). 13.54 x 12.64 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 11-27-2010 Junges Paar. 17.05 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 11-06-2010 Menschengruppe, Dicht Gedrängt (studie) 17.32 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 08-08-2010 Pensive Man 5.37 x 3.79 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 05-13-2011 Gesenkter Frauenkopf. 14.96 x 12.44 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 10-22-2010 Schlafender Junge 24.25 x 18.70 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 10-22-2010 Beratung 17.64 x 12.32 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 10-22-2010 Die Carmagnole 23.98 x 16.61 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 10-22-2010 Hamburger Kneipe 7.68 x 9.76 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 10-22-2010 Beim Dengeln 11.69 x 11.69 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 10-22-2010 Selbstbildnis Im Profil 12.72 x 11.69 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz Hammer prices and photo for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 10-22-2010 Mutter Mit Jungen 14.25 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Jerusalem Faces 28.15 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Zwei Studien Einer Rechten Hand 13.70 x 20.16 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Begrüßung 4.61 x 3.43 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Sturm 9.25 x 11.65 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Frau Mit Übereinandergelegten Händen 11.14 x 8.94 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Hamburger Kneipe 3.74 x 9.76 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Arbeitslosigkeit 15.75 x 20.94 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Selbstbildnis Mit Hand Vor Der Stirn 6.10 x 5.39 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Selbstbildnis 13.58 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz 12-03-2010 Gefallen (verworfene Arbeit Zur Folge >>krieg<<, Zweite Fassung) 16.22 x 15.16 in

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