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Art auction result for Anton Braith

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Auctioned pieces | 101 results are found | Page 1 of 4 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 10

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 12-04-2004 Zwei Kühe An Steinigem Grashang In Hochgebirge 19.69 x 42.91 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 12-01-2004 Kühe Am Wasser 10.43 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 02-24-2005 Hüterbub Mit SchaF- Und Ziegenherde 27.95 x 40.55 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 02-24-2005 Ruhende Schafe Auf Der Weide 45.08 x 62.60 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 02-24-2005 Kühe An Der Tränke 11.22 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 09-22-2005 Portrait Eines Afrikaners Im Profil Von Links 15.75 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 09-19-2005 Gewitter Im Anzug, Kuhherde Vor Sturm Fl|chtend 11.02 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 09-19-2005 Bauernjunge Beim K|hemelken 11.02 x 10.24 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 09-19-2005 Postkarte Mit Blumenmotiv An Den Bruder Des K|nstlers Anton Braith 5.51 x 3.54 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 12-02-2005 Kühe An Der Tränke 8.78 x 12.80 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 12-05-2005 Schimmel An Der Trdnke 15.75 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 12-05-2005 Postkarte Mit Blumenmotiv An Den Bruder Des K|nstlers Anton Braith 5.51 x 3.54 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 12-01-2005 Zwei Ziegen An Der Futterkrippe 14.57 x 22.83 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 12-10-2005 Kühe Auf Der Weide 25.20 x 42.91 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 12-10-2005 Die Verabschiedung An Der Postkutsche Vor Dem Wirtshaus 15.75 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 03-24-2006 Studie: Kühe Im Stall 9.45 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 03-29-2006 Four Sheep At A Pond 21.26 x 38.58 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 04-20-2006 Zwei Ziegen Im Stall 13.58 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 05-04-2006 Die Lieblinge Der Bduerin 43.31 x 50.00 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 05-04-2006 K|he Am Ufer 4.33 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 05-28-2006 Unknown 5.51 x 3.54 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 09-23-2006 Frühlingsweide Mit Drei Kälbern, Blühenden Bäumen, Eichhörnchen Und Hühnern. 19.88 x 30.71 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 10-21-2006 Junges Weidevieh An Der Tränke 15.75 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 06-24-2004 Cattle At The Pasture Fence 20.08 x 38.19 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 06-24-2004 Dairymaid With A Herd In A Mountainous Landscape 27.56 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 10-23-2004 Kälber Vor Einem Bergbauernhof Am Bach 19.29 x 27.17 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 11-04-2004 Studie - Kälber Am Wasser 13.19 x 14.37 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith 11-04-2004 Ziegen Am Heuwagen 8.07 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 04-28-2007 Schafe Und Ziegen Im Gebirge 4.72 x 3.94 in
Hammer prices for Anton Braith Hammer prices and photo for Anton Braith 04-28-2007 Kälbchen Am Gatter Auf Der Bergweide 6.30 x 4.33 in
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