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Art auction result for Johann Baptist Weiss

1812 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 11 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 2

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss Hammer prices and photo for Johann Baptist Weiss 10-28-2006 Auf Bewegter See Kleiner Segler 12.20 x 15.55 in
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss Hammer prices and photo for Johann Baptist Weiss 09-06-2008 Nordische Fischer (originaltitel) 9.65 x 13.58 in
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss Hammer prices and photo for Johann Baptist Weiss 10-25-2008 Schiffbruch An Felsiger Küste, Ein Raddampfer Liegt In Der Nähe 27.95 x 37.20 in
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss Hammer prices and photo for Johann Baptist Weiss 12-02-2009 Ruderboot An Stürmischer Felsenküste 15.35 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss Hammer prices and photo for Johann Baptist Weiss 07-04-2010 Stimmungsvolles Seestück Mit Zwei Segelschiffen In Seenot 27.56 x 37.01 in
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss 12-03-2011 Passionsblume Und Distel. 13.19 x 8.50 in
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss 03-23-2012 Marinestück 15.55 x 20.28 in Oil 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss Hammer prices and photo for Johann Baptist Weiss 10-01-2009 Sea Landscape With SailinG-Ships And A Steamer 18.50 x 28.54 in Oil 2,500 EUR
(2,725 USD)
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss Hammer prices and photo for Johann Baptist Weiss 05-17-2014 Shipwreck By A Rocky Coastline 26.77 x 35.04 in Oil 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss 08-26-2004 A Heavy Swell At The Harbour Mouth 17.52 x 25.28 in Oil 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Johann Baptist Weiss 05-26-2004 A Heavy Swell At The Harbour Mouth 17.52 x 25.28 in Oil 2,000 GBP
(2,596 USD)

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