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Art auction result for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller

1859 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 56 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 6

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 05-22-2004 Ein Fröhliches Mädchen Mit Strickzeug 9.84 x 6.89 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 06-26-2004 Portrait Eines Jungen Mädchens Im Dirndl Vor Dunklem Hintergrund Mit Dunkelbraunen 10.63 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 07-08-2004 Portrait Eines Jungen Dirndls 10.63 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 01-13-2005 Portrait Eines Jungen Dirndls 10.83 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 09-22-2004 Dirndl. 12.40 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 12-01-2004 Dirndl Mit Strohhut 7.09 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 06-30-2005 A Young Country Maid. 10.63 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 12-08-2005 A Young Country Maid 10.63 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 07-08-2006 Bei Kartenspiel - Stubeninterieur 23.62 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 09-22-2006 Brustporträt Eines Mädchens In Oberbayrischer Tracht 11.81 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 12-06-2006 Junge Zitherspielerin Am Fenster 12.40 x 9.25 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 03-10-2007 "mädchenporträt" 10.63 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 03-23-2007 Mädchen In Tracht Und Hut 7.09 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 03-23-2007 Portrait Einer Jungen Frau In Tracht 17.32 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 06-19-2008 Knabenportrait. 8.27 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 06-19-2008 Portrait Eines Kleinen Mädchens In Tracht 7.68 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 06-19-2008 Portrait Eines Knaben 14.76 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 09-24-2008 Dwie Wiejskie Dziewczyny Czytające List 23.23 x 24.88 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 11-06-2008 Der Spielzeughändler (skizze) 8.27 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 12-04-2008 Dirndl Mit Schwarzem Filzhut, Rostrotem Kleid Und Blau Gemustertem Brusttuch 12.20 x 9.25 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 01-17-2009 Tirolerin In Heimischer Tracht 11.81 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 04-09-2009 Büste Eines Mädchens In Tracht 10.24 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 04-09-2009 Knabenportrait 8.27 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 04-09-2009 Portrait Eines Knaben 14.76 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 09-12-2009 Porträt Eines Knaben 14.76 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 09-12-2009 Das Blumenmädchen 34.25 x 27.36 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 07-01-2010 Bildnis Eines Bauernmädels 11.42 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 12-01-2010 Dirndl. 11.02 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 11-03-2011 Portrait Eines Knaben In Tracht Mit Schräg Sitzendem Hut 5.91 x 4.53 in
Hammer prices for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller Hammer prices and photo for Emma (edle Von Seehof) Müller 10-24-2012 Mädchenporträt 7.09 x 5.31 in
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